
ummm, I don't know how to describe myself, other than that I am lazy, I lack consistancy, motivation, and discipline. Oh, and i am an eternal romantic optimist. So don't expect great things from this blog.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Dilemma: Korn or Potatos

(Listening to: Incubus - "Drive")

Heres the deal, Josh got us tickets a few months ago for the Family Values Tour, which includes bands such as Korn, Def Tones, and Stone Sour. The date for this concert is September 9th. This weekend, Kaylan asked me how I would feel about selling the Korn tickets, and going to the Potato Festival in Posen instead.

After thinking about it, I guess I could go either way. I would like to see Korn, however the other bands I honestly could careless about. Its a whole day event, and I am not sure how much fun it would be spending 10 hours listening to music I do not know. Although, the people watching at a show like that could be really quite entertaining by itself.

As for the Potato Fest, I have never been. I have heard over that years that it is a really fun place to be. The thought of another town festival does nothing for me, but if it really is a fun one than that kind of excites me. We talked about meeting in Grayling, and then driving over to Posen together,and maybe camping for the weekend. After this past weekend of camping with kids, the idea of doing it with some friends sounds like a lot of fun.

So, as I understand it, Josh is going to be the one to make the final decision, but either way I will be happy since I like both Korn and potatos.

Mosquitos don't bug me

(Watching: "The World Series of Pop Culture")

You know, sometimes I am so lucky.

I have some pretty crappy luck sometimes, with some pretty big important things. However, when it comes to little things that aren't a huge deal, I am lil miss lucky pants.

I spent four days in the wilderness, and do not have one mosquito bite. Mosquitos just really don't seem to have any intrest in me, either that or their bites just don't affect me. How sweet is that?

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Whanna know who I am in love with today?

(Listening to: ABBA - "Take a Chance on Me")

Chuck Klosterman

He has three books, two of which I have read, "Fargo Rock City" and "Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs". The lateset, I am reading now, "Killing Yourself to Live"

His books are great. He writes about pop culture, so he is constantly refering to music, movies, news, and other really cool stuff that I love and can relate to.

So, Chuck Klosterman is smart, funny, and extremly clever, which makes him hot in my book!!!

The girls are losing their minds, and the boys ain't far behind

Well, I have returned from my weekend at Jones Lake. These kids are driving me NUTS!!! About half way into day two they started driving each other nuts as well. I forgot how irritated kids get with eachother when they have been together for a few days.

All in all though, the camping experience was a good one. We sent lots of time in the lake, tubed down river, and just hung out at the site, doing what you do when you camp, which is pretty much eat and drink.

Sleeping on the ground sucks ass by the way. I slept terrible our first tonights there, but on the third night, after following the canoe race, we crashed at my parents. I am still pretty tired, and am looking way forward to sleeping in my own bed tonight.

The canoe race was fun, as usual, but when it was time to take the kids back, I was sad that I couldn't go on to Mio, so next year the camping trip will not be marathon weekend.

Not really anything to exciting to report, not catastrophies either. I am glad to be home, and I am really glad Buckcherry is only 52 hours away!

(Dustin, did you bring home the cup this year???)

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Brain Farts

(Watching: The Guiding Light)

I wish they were fatal. Cause anyone who "has them", or uses such terminology should be shot.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Camp Jones Lake

(Listening to: Buckcherry - "Slit My Wrists")

Well, the big camping expedition is only 24 hours away. I think I am prepared, but will probably forget something very important. Marshall and I are very excited, we have invited many friends and family to come hang out with us at the site. Life doesn't get much better than hanging out with family and old friends by a bonfire, drinking beer(or drink boxes), and yuckin it up.

I will be gone till Sunday, and when I return I have a day of relaxation before Buckcherry!! I am way excited for that, I have a whole group of people that are going, and come Tuesday we will be all "lit up"

Anyway, so I am out. Think happy camping thoughts for me, i.e., no serial killers, rapists, or snakes!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Ode to Lily(a song)

She's the badest kitty around
She's the badest Kitty in town
She's a meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow
meow meow meow, bad kitty.

Whanna know who I am in love with today?

(Watching: Corwins Quest)

Jeff Corwin. I think he is so dreamy.

I have been watching Corwins Quest everyday since I got my fancy cable. It is a great show, he teaches you all kinds of things about lots of animals, and he is hilarious. Todays show is about crocodiles. I think that they are prolly the freakiest most fascinating animals in the world. Today I have seen them gallop, jump, and now he is going under water to show that cool twisiting manuvour they do when they snatch a big ol animal. They are so fast, so scary, and sooo neat.

Monday, July 24, 2006


(Listening to: Elton John - "I want Love")

I just made the yummiest pizza I have ever had in my entire life.

-Whip up a crust (I used Betty Crocker)
-Thin layer of alfredo sauce (I used Classico)
-Thin layer of Mozzerella cheese
-red onion, sliced thin
-diced fresh garlic
-yellow pepper rings
-sliced Kalamatta olives
-fresh mushrooms
-left over steak sliced thinly
-top off with crumbled Feta cheese

mmm mmm good

Saturday, July 22, 2006

I Buy the Drugs

(Listening to: Electric Six - "Improper Dancing"

Electric Six has their new video out. I highly recommend you watch it. I can not put into words how much I love this band.


Friday, July 21, 2006

Going Camping

(Watching: Dukes of Hazzard)

Well, I decided on my canoe marathon plans. Rather than ditching marshall for the weekend and following the race to Mio, I am going to take Marshall and Allen camping at Jones lake. We are going to take off on Thursday of next week. Jones Lake is only about 3 miles from my parents house so the plan is to go there first and raid their garage for all their camping equiptment since I don't have any.

The last time I went camping, well, I got knocked up, so I have been kind of leary of it since. But, it has been 12 years so I think I can handle it. The plan is to hang out at Jones Lake, have some visitors, go hang out with the parents for awhile, the boys can fish in the rivier while I give everyone stupid hair cuts.

We will prolly go watch the time trials at Aunt Karens house on Thursday evening. Then on the day of the Race, I will take the boys to a few stops. I know a few people that live along the river, so we will go to those places rather than taking them to the bridges where all the crazy drunk people hang out.

I am really looking forward to this camping trip, marshall has never been before, and it is an experience he has waited far to long to have. I just hope I can remember everything you need on a camping trip. someone mentioned flash lights to me the other day, and I was like, "huh, yeah never woulda thought of those." But, i guess as long as I remember condoms it'll all be ok, LOL!!

It's amazing

(Listening to: Buckcherry - "Lit Up"

I have been blogging on a regular basis for a whole month!! As a great man once told me, "I"m bloggin awesome"

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Not having a good day

I had a bad day again
She said I would not understand
She left a note that said Im sorry
I had a bad day again

She spilled her coffee broke a shoelace
Smeared the lipstick on her face
Slammed the door and said Im sorry,
I had a bad day again

And she swears theres nothing wrong
I hear her playing that same old song
She puts me up and puts me on
I had a bad day again

She said I would not understand
She left a note and said Im sorry
I had a bad day again

And she swears theres nothing wrong
I hear her playing that same old song
She puts me up and puts me on
Oh I had a bad day again

She said I would not understand
She left a note that said Im sorry,
I had a bad day again

She left a note that said Im sorry,
I had a bad day


(Fuel - "Bad Day")

One more reason snakes freak me out

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


(Watching: The Colbert Report)

That is the title of the lead story on tonight. What a sad scary world we live in.

Stephen Colbert

( Watching: The Colbert Report)

He's smart...he's politcal....he's funny.....he's HOT!

Dustin, Jim,....anyone?

(watching: As the World Turns)

I have a chess question. When you bring your little pawn guy to the other side of the bored, and you can pick a guy you want to bring back, does that guy just trade places with your pawn guy, or do you get to keep your pawn guy too?

Dime of Doom

(Listening to: Pat Traverse - "Smokin Whiskey and Drinkin Cocaine")

That is the name of the stratagy Marshall used tonight to kick my butt at chess.

Dukes Analogy

(Listening to: Rock Kills Kid - Paralyzed)

Member when Bo and Luke quit the dukes of hazzard, and they brought in their cousins coy and vance? And then you wouldn't watch anymore cause you knew and loved bo and luke, and you couldn't get into coy and vance. Well thats how I am feeling about Rockstar, make sense now?

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Rock Star Supernova

(Watching: Rockstar Supernova)

Well, it is my second week watching, and so far I am not all that impressed with any of the "rockers". I am not sure that you can understand, unless you are a soap opera watcher. But, I have a hard time accepting this seasons rockers. I got to sort of know and was used to last seasons rockers, and it is hard to be friendly to these new ones. In soap operas one person will play a character for years, and then move on to something else, and rather than killing the character off they bring in someone new to play it. At first, it doesn't feel right, but you get used to them after awhile. So I am hoping that is what happens with this show.

If I had to pick favs right now, my favorite guy would be Toby, he sang Soul Asylums, "runaway train" tonight. I think he has a great voice and is pretty hot, but his preformance lacked ALOT tonight.

My favorite chic would have to be Delana. Tonight she sang the Cranberries "zombie". She did an awesome job, but honestly she seems a little old and a lot scary to me. (this pic does not show her scariness)

Also, Tommy Lee has had some cosmetic surgry and is looking pretty damn scary himself.

It's Coo-pon not Q-pon

(Watching: The Jeff Corwin Experience)

There is this bitch on the radio(excuse my language). She does this ad for "money mail", and she goes on and on about all the Q-pons you can get in the mail with this money mailer crap. I have to listen to this awful women and her inability to speak correctly like 10 times a day at work. I want to stab her in the eyes with my scissors.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Stormy Monday

(Watching: "Little House On the Prarie")

Marshall and I went miniture golfing today at Pirates Cove. I got two holes in one! Unfortunately our game was rained out. There was a big storm coming in so we got a rain check and left.

We made it home right as the storm hit. It was soooo dark out, very creepy. We weren't home 5 minutes and the power went out. We sat here and watched the storm for about a half hour before it was over. Since there was now power and it was dinner time we decided to go to Red Lobster for dinner. Red Lobster is all Marshall has been talking about for the last two weeks, bout how no one has come to take him there in a loooong time. That and hockey. (hint hint) It was "crab crackin monday"! YUMMY!!

As we drove out of our neighborhood we saw three trees that had fallen onto buildings in our neighborhood. It was a heck of a storm.

Oh, and I ran into Bob Hebel at Red Lobster. Haven't seen him in about 13 years.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Oh how lucky I am

Just got back from Ann's. Recuited another crazy bitch for the show on August 1.

We sat down after dinner and talked a bit about our childhood. Ann's was not easy. We talked alot about being single mothers, it ups and down, its trials and tribulations. She, at almost forty, has met a man, a good man, Chris. I am incredibly happy for her. I hope I don't have to wait till I am forty, although it's not looking to good.

Anyway, we were talking and thinking about people, people we see in January walking down the street with there kids, obviously on their way home from the grocery store. I cannot imagine not woning a car and having to walk to and from the grocery store or to my job or to school. I am very fortunate to have all the things that I have today. I can see how very easily I could have been the lady walking down the road to get my grocerys.

Thank you to all the people who have loved and supported me over the years and helped me get to where I am today. You are very much loved and appreciated.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Looking for 8mins & 36seconds of quality entertainment

(Listening to: Buckcherry - "Slit My Wrists"

Watch the 2 Gay Bar videos (lincoln and blair). Then watch the Danger High Voltage video.

Oh, watch the BBC interview too.

You know what? You really should just watch them all.

I'm thinkin its time

(Listening to: Buckcherry - "Porno Star")
I gotta get a hair cut. I have been growing my hair, and it has gotten quite long, for me anyway. I have been seeing lots of chics with super cute short hair cuts, and I am way jealous. So, after giving it lots of thought, I think I am ready.

I have been saving this picture of a haircut for over a year. I said "next time I go short, this is how I am going to get it cut". It is shorter than I have ever had before, so I am a lil nervous. I have been going back and forth in my mind on whether or not I want to do it. Then tonight, this chic in the pic was in a movie I was watching. It must be a sign. So, I think it is time.

Friday, July 14, 2006

I'm a Crazy Bitch

(Listening to: Coheed and Cambria - "The Telling Truth" )

I have just recently become a big fan of Buckcherry. They played here in Traverse City at Streeters a few months ago. At the time, I was totally uninterested, so I did not go. Now that I have become a fan, I am kicking myself for being such a dummy and missing out on the "tremendous opportunity".

But.......GUESS WHAT??? They are coming back to Streeters on August 1. So kaylan Jane you better get a couple xtra days off for the marathon cause us crazy bitches gots to go!

I'm a lil proud of myself

(Watching: The Today Show)

I had a confrontation with my boss yesterday. I guess it wasn't really a confrontation, but I had to tell her that I was not willing to do something she wanted me to do. And I knew this would make her mad at me.

Having people mad at me drives me crazy. I would rather give someone som horribly sad news than have to tell them something that I know will make them upset with me. In the past, i h have gone to some pretty great lengths to avoid such conversations.

Anyway, so I was all shakey and sweaty, a nervous wreck. But, I did, i told her I was not going to come in and work an extra day, she got pissed, i feel guilty. But i still am not going in, i am going camping damnit!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Rockstar Supernova

(Watching: Rockstar Supernova)

I totally got into this show last summer when it was Rockstar Inxs, and plan to again this summer.

Supernova is a newly formed band consisting of Tommy Lee(Motley Crue), Jason Newstead(Metallica), and Gilby Clarke(Guns N Roses). This show is similar to American Idol but with rock rather than crappy ass pop music.

I don't have a favorite yet, but wil let you know when I do, will also let you know when that favorite gets voted off, cause well, my favorite never wins.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Hazzard County, here I come...

(Listening to: Buck Cherry - "Crazy Bitch")

I got my cable and internet hooked up today. The cable guy gave me a great deal. AND...he gave me 30 days free of expanded cable. So, it'll be a full month of the Dukes of Hazzard, The Daily Show, and the Dan Abrams Report.


It was a tremendous opportunity

(Listening to: Electric Six - Rock and Roll Evacuation)
Electric Six ROCKS!!!

Am home from Ann Arbor. Had an excellent time. Saturday we headed downtown to hit some bars before the concert. We stopped at Dominicks and sat outside in their garden area. Kaylan and Josh had Sangria, and I had some sort of draft beer. I am not a fan of draft beer, but that is all they had, so we only stayed for one drink. We then moved on to Scorekeepers to play some pool and cricket. Unfortunately the dart boards were way to complicated for any of us to figure out, so we only played on game of cricket, josh won. Then we moved on to cut throat pool, I won two out of three games. Yeah, I am cool.

After that we headed to stand in line, we wanted the best seats, we got the second to best seats. As we got closer, we noticed a few people outside, as we got closer we realizedit was the White Wolf(rhythm guitar), and the drummer. As you can see i left no distance between the white wolf and myself, he is my second fav in the band.

The concert itself was spectacular as usual. The two opening bands were ok, nothing special, but not bad. DICK was as adorable as ever. There was actually a point in the show when he pointed right at me. Kaylan hit me in the back, to make sure i noticed. OH I DID! He was going on in this rant about President bush. All I know is he said "bush" and "sperm" and then pointed at me. The rest is kind of fuzzy.

3 months 25 days till Electric Six at St. Andrews Hall in Detroit!!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Putting a dent in the Hometown Buffet

(Watching: World cup soccer, POR vs GER)
We made it!!! Kaylan and I actually left Josh's butt home and went to the Howmtown Buffet today for umm, brunch I guess. I had Salsbury steak, chicken and dumplings, potatos, salad, cabbage, fish, cucumbers, and a lil bit of sesame chicken. It was all sooo good. they had feta cheese for the salads, I was in heaven.

Then, there was dessert. Basically the only reason we go to Hometown Buffet. They have this cake, this moist, fluffy, rich cake that explodes with a orgasmic hot chocolate sauce. I got a huge chunk of cake, and a lil side of vanilla ice cream. Came, sat down, and mixed it all together, just like Mr. Rogers taught me, making the most yummiest ice cream puddin cake ever!!!!

We are now home for a minute, to get Josh, get ready and go down town. We will be walking the streets and hitting the bars between now and the time the concert starts(5 HOURS!!!) After 5 hours of drinking beer we should be ready, willing, and able for anything DICK throws at us!!

p.s. - I am so tired of shopping I could puke.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Ikea rocks my world

Listening to: Viking Skull - "Red Hot Women"

Just got back from Ikea, had to stop in and say hi to Josh before he leaves for work. He worked till 4 am last night and gotta do it again tonight.

Anyway, Ikea is F-ing awesome. I got an ice cube tray that makes cool shaped cubes, a pizza cutter, a cheese cutter (though I am pretty good at cutting the cheese without it), some hot pads, kitchen towels, an apron, a shower thing, some bowls, some of the cutest little spatulas i have ever seen, I will prolly never use them cause they are so small, but they were so cute and only 59 cents, so i couldn't resist. I also got a package of 300 tealights, salt and pepper shakers, and another cool kitchen untinsil that i will prolly never use but had to have. All of that cool stuff for less than 33.00. I could have left with way more, but was a good girl.

We are now off to check out the thrift stores, I am looking for some cool old green drinking glasses, wish me luck.

30 more hours till Electric Six!!!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Off to Ann Arbor

(Listening To: Johnny Cash - "The General Lee")

I am off to enjoy my long weekend. We are short handed at work, so silly me volunteered to work six days for the next few weeks. So I am going to enjoy this time off very much. I have decided to leave for Ann Arbor tonight. Rather than staying at moms tonight, I am just going to drive by her house, slow down a bit, open the door, give marshall a lil push, then floor it.

I think I will by the new Johnny Cash cd before I head out today. It's a lil more mellow then what I like when I am driving, but I have heard nothing but good things about it. I'll fill you in on how is is when I return.

Hope you all have a great weekend, I know I will. Think happy DICK thoughts for us!!!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Fourth of July....past, present, and future.

(Listening To: Whitesnake - "Still of the Night")

Another 4th of July has passed. I have been thinking alot about past fourth of julys in the last 24 hours. They have been huge milestones in my life. When i was in high school, i met my "high school sweetheart" on the fourth of July. It was the fourth of july when i decided that a very long reltionship i was in was finally over a few years ago. Either way, the fourth of july, on more than one occasion has been the start of something new and exciting in my life. Hmmm, makes me very interested in how the next few days will play out.

Maybe DICK with ask me to marry him on Saturday, LOL!

No subject is to serious to laugh at

(Listening To: Neil Diamond - "Forever in Bluejeans")

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Big Ol' Breakfast

(Listening To: My Chemical Romance - "I'm not okay")

Marshall and I were both super lazy today, I slept till 11 and he slept till noon. I got up took a shower and decided to make some bacon, nice and fatty like I like, the" consistancy of a noodle" if you will. Marshall got up, put in a cd AC/DC - "TNT", his favorite.

We continued with the bacon, made scrambled eggs and french toast for him. Dippy eggs made in the bacon grease for me. We talked about the day ahead and random things like chicken nuggets and how cool Lily would look in clothes.

I really enjoyed this morning with my son. I used to make a breakfast like this every Sunday. With work and school and everything else we do, it is not often we get to hang out like this and enjoy each others company. Marshall is now old enough where he is able to help me with the preperation. He cracks the eggs, flips the french toast and gets out all the condiments. It is nice working with him towards a common goal. I will make an effort from here on out to do the Sunday morning breakfasts again.

Conversations with Lily...

(Listening To: Loretta Lynn - "This Old House"

As i was in the shower this morning, my cat, Lily, was sitting in the sink hanging out with me. I was shaving, and telling her how lucky she was that she did not have to shave her armpits. I find this a real pain, as I am a prtty skinny chic, my armpits are sort of concave when I raise my arms. So it is pretty hard to get the razor in there and get the job done. she gave me this puzzled look, and I said, "yeah your right, I guess i would rather have to shave them then lick them"

Drugs Now Legal If User Is Employed

(Listening To: Guns N Roses - "Rocket Queen"

I like this article from the onion, if you have a minute, check it out, its worth 5 minutes of you time. I think anyway. And I am a pretty good judge of things like that.

WASHINGTON, DC—Seeking to "narrow the focus of the drug war to the true enemy," Congress passed a bill legalizing drug use for the gainfully employed Monday.

"Stockbrokers, lawyers, English professors... you're not the problem here," said DEA Administrator Asa Hutchinson at a White House press conference. "If you are paying taxes and keeping your yard tidy, we're not going to hassle you if you come home from a hard day of work and want to enjoy a little pot or blow. But if, on the other hand, you're one of these lazy, shiftless types hanging out on the street all day looking for your next high, we're coming after you."
The new law, which goes into effect May 1, will enable police departments and courts to focus on what Hutchinson called "the real drug offenders."

"There's no point going after some cardiac surgeon who needs some speed to keep him sharp," Hutchinson said. "That's not what the law was intended to prevent. But the more destructive drug users—the addict who spends his welfare money on crack, the guy in Harlem who smokes marijuana—that is something that we as a society must not tolerate."

According to Drug Czar John P. Walters, the legislation should have a beneficial effect on the health of the American people.
"As a result of this new law, we expect use of addictive, harmful drugs like heroin and crack—those statistically more likely to be linked to unemployment—to drop," Walters said. "Meanwhile, decent people with good jobs can continue their responsible use of milder drugs like E and cocaine in peace."

Walters said the new legislation will make it significantly easier to fight the drug war. The nation's courts will not be clogged with cases involving club kids caught with "Vitamin K" or doctors prescribing Vicodin to rich housewives. More money can be freed up to build prisons to keep chronically unemployed addicts in jail and off the streets—the only statistically proven method of improving an addict's chance of recovery.

"Clearly, a lot of people doing drugs simply cannot handle them," Walters said. "We've got to get the drugs out of the hands of these people, and give them back to the weekend user."

The law, Hutchinson noted, will also help protect the nation's poor and unemployed, who are not as equipped to handle the effects of drug addiction as their more affluent counterparts.

"Drugs are addictive, and that's true whether you're a ghetto gang member or a Harvard-educated entertainment lawyer," Hutchinson said. "But the cold, hard truth is, if the ghetto kid gets hooked, he isn't going to clean up in a rehab clinic in Palm Springs and maybe even become president, now, is he? That's why we need to protect the less fortunate among us with the threat of arrest and incarceration."

The U.S. economy also stands to benefit. Initial surveys indicate that the threat of jail will motivate recreational drug users to seek employment, reducing the nation's welfare rolls.

"Legal weed versus jail?" asked Cory Everly, 23, an unemployed Austin, TX, singer-songwriter. "I am so totally going down to the sub shop today to ask Rudy for my job back."
Added Everly: "Rudy's my boss... at the sub shop."

"The new American motto is 'Work Hard, Play Hard,'" Hutchinson said. "Do a few bumps of coke at your gay friend's party. Go to your be-in or your Lollapalooza rave or whatever it's called this year. But you'd better make it in to work on Monday, buddy, or you're going to jail."

"Sorry if some of my comments have been a bit rambling and unfocused," Hutchinson added. "I'm a little high right now."

Monday, July 03, 2006

Just go already

(Listening To: Cinderella - "Gypsy Road"
Have you ever stopped at a four way stop sign, and another person clearly beat you to their stop and have the right of way, yet they motion for you to go before them. They think they are being nice, i guess. But this REALLY irritates me. I mean it takes them just about as long to motion for you to go as it would for them to go ahead and make their way through the intersection.

Getting to go through an intersection approx. 4 seconds earlier isn't going to make my day, so please just press the F-ing gas peddle and be on your way.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Lafuma Chairs

(Listening to: Golden Earring - "Radar Love")

Just got back from spending the afternoon at the beach and the evening at Chris's for a cookout. Packed up the cooler (thanx mom and rick) about 3 and headed for Bryant Park. The beach was PACKED, lots of lil kids running around with pink skin enjoying the beautiful day.

After the sun sucked all the energy outta me we headed to Chris's for steak on the grill. I brought shrimp dip as my contribution (sorry darlin). Ann burnt the hell outta the steaks, but they were still yummy after you carefully cut off the outter layer.

Anyway, we were just hanging out in Chris's yard, and he had these chairs, these awesome most coziest chairs I have ever sat in. They are made by Lafuma. They are kinda pricey, but if you like to spend lots of time hanging outside in the summer, I highly suggest you check these chairs out. Trust me, I know cozy!

OH, and as a side note, the Blue Angels have left the city, YEEEEE HAAAAA!

Sibling Appreciation, (you're welcome Kaylan)

(Listening to: Rod Stewart - Forever Young)

Our spouses arrive comparatively late in our lives; our parents eventually leave us. Our siblings may be the only people we'll ever know who truly qualify as partners for life.

"Siblings," says family psychologist Katherine Conger of the University of California, Davis, "are with us for the whole journey."

The whole article is at

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Holy crap it's July

(Listening to: Tool - "The Pot")
I can't believe June is already gone. It flew by. Nothing extraordinary happened in June either, school got and I moved, pretty dull stuff. However, I did reunite with an old friend. We spent hours talking and getting reaquainted. It was like 16 years ago was yesterday, which I guess would explain why June went by so fast.

I am definately all geeked up about July though. The days are longer and the weather is hotter. In only a week it will be Electric Six day! On Friday I will be leaving or Ann Arbor to spend some quality time with my sister and DICK! Life doesn't get much better than that. We will be hitting the usual thrift stores, Ikea, Paneras, and the Blind Pig. And maybe if Josh is feeling real nice, Hometown Buffet too!

I also have the Ausable Canoe Marathon on the calandar. I haven't decided whether or not I will be folowing this year or not. Although, after reading this, I am betting my sis will call me and tell me that she has decided for me and I am. It is a good time, but last year I was way hung over from my class reunion the night before, so it wasn't that great.

Anyway, before I create a book here, July also includes, the beach, the river, Michigan Adventure, warm nights, cold beer, and good friends, I hope.