
ummm, I don't know how to describe myself, other than that I am lazy, I lack consistancy, motivation, and discipline. Oh, and i am an eternal romantic optimist. So don't expect great things from this blog.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Big Ol' Breakfast

(Listening To: My Chemical Romance - "I'm not okay")

Marshall and I were both super lazy today, I slept till 11 and he slept till noon. I got up took a shower and decided to make some bacon, nice and fatty like I like, the" consistancy of a noodle" if you will. Marshall got up, put in a cd AC/DC - "TNT", his favorite.

We continued with the bacon, made scrambled eggs and french toast for him. Dippy eggs made in the bacon grease for me. We talked about the day ahead and random things like chicken nuggets and how cool Lily would look in clothes.

I really enjoyed this morning with my son. I used to make a breakfast like this every Sunday. With work and school and everything else we do, it is not often we get to hang out like this and enjoy each others company. Marshall is now old enough where he is able to help me with the preperation. He cracks the eggs, flips the french toast and gets out all the condiments. It is nice working with him towards a common goal. I will make an effort from here on out to do the Sunday morning breakfasts again.


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