
ummm, I don't know how to describe myself, other than that I am lazy, I lack consistancy, motivation, and discipline. Oh, and i am an eternal romantic optimist. So don't expect great things from this blog.

Monday, July 10, 2006

It was a tremendous opportunity

(Listening to: Electric Six - Rock and Roll Evacuation)
Electric Six ROCKS!!!

Am home from Ann Arbor. Had an excellent time. Saturday we headed downtown to hit some bars before the concert. We stopped at Dominicks and sat outside in their garden area. Kaylan and Josh had Sangria, and I had some sort of draft beer. I am not a fan of draft beer, but that is all they had, so we only stayed for one drink. We then moved on to Scorekeepers to play some pool and cricket. Unfortunately the dart boards were way to complicated for any of us to figure out, so we only played on game of cricket, josh won. Then we moved on to cut throat pool, I won two out of three games. Yeah, I am cool.

After that we headed to stand in line, we wanted the best seats, we got the second to best seats. As we got closer, we noticed a few people outside, as we got closer we realizedit was the White Wolf(rhythm guitar), and the drummer. As you can see i left no distance between the white wolf and myself, he is my second fav in the band.

The concert itself was spectacular as usual. The two opening bands were ok, nothing special, but not bad. DICK was as adorable as ever. There was actually a point in the show when he pointed right at me. Kaylan hit me in the back, to make sure i noticed. OH I DID! He was going on in this rant about President bush. All I know is he said "bush" and "sperm" and then pointed at me. The rest is kind of fuzzy.

3 months 25 days till Electric Six at St. Andrews Hall in Detroit!!


  • At 9:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    So what exactly is cut throat? Sounds like fun.

  • At 5:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    heh heh heheheh heh. you said dick, bush sPERM! heh heheheh heh. uhhhh shuddup j. anyway i think you shoulda just asked to jump him errr i mean jump on his back and get a piggy back ride. i mean you're only their biggest fan ever!

  • At 6:03 PM, Blogger amyjo said…

    a few more beers in me and i prolly would have, although i guess i don't have to tell you that

  • At 7:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.


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