
ummm, I don't know how to describe myself, other than that I am lazy, I lack consistancy, motivation, and discipline. Oh, and i am an eternal romantic optimist. So don't expect great things from this blog.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Dilemma: Korn or Potatos

(Listening to: Incubus - "Drive")

Heres the deal, Josh got us tickets a few months ago for the Family Values Tour, which includes bands such as Korn, Def Tones, and Stone Sour. The date for this concert is September 9th. This weekend, Kaylan asked me how I would feel about selling the Korn tickets, and going to the Potato Festival in Posen instead.

After thinking about it, I guess I could go either way. I would like to see Korn, however the other bands I honestly could careless about. Its a whole day event, and I am not sure how much fun it would be spending 10 hours listening to music I do not know. Although, the people watching at a show like that could be really quite entertaining by itself.

As for the Potato Fest, I have never been. I have heard over that years that it is a really fun place to be. The thought of another town festival does nothing for me, but if it really is a fun one than that kind of excites me. We talked about meeting in Grayling, and then driving over to Posen together,and maybe camping for the weekend. After this past weekend of camping with kids, the idea of doing it with some friends sounds like a lot of fun.

So, as I understand it, Josh is going to be the one to make the final decision, but either way I will be happy since I like both Korn and potatos.


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