
ummm, I don't know how to describe myself, other than that I am lazy, I lack consistancy, motivation, and discipline. Oh, and i am an eternal romantic optimist. So don't expect great things from this blog.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Going Camping

(Watching: Dukes of Hazzard)

Well, I decided on my canoe marathon plans. Rather than ditching marshall for the weekend and following the race to Mio, I am going to take Marshall and Allen camping at Jones lake. We are going to take off on Thursday of next week. Jones Lake is only about 3 miles from my parents house so the plan is to go there first and raid their garage for all their camping equiptment since I don't have any.

The last time I went camping, well, I got knocked up, so I have been kind of leary of it since. But, it has been 12 years so I think I can handle it. The plan is to hang out at Jones Lake, have some visitors, go hang out with the parents for awhile, the boys can fish in the rivier while I give everyone stupid hair cuts.

We will prolly go watch the time trials at Aunt Karens house on Thursday evening. Then on the day of the Race, I will take the boys to a few stops. I know a few people that live along the river, so we will go to those places rather than taking them to the bridges where all the crazy drunk people hang out.

I am really looking forward to this camping trip, marshall has never been before, and it is an experience he has waited far to long to have. I just hope I can remember everything you need on a camping trip. someone mentioned flash lights to me the other day, and I was like, "huh, yeah never woulda thought of those." But, i guess as long as I remember condoms it'll all be ok, LOL!!


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