
ummm, I don't know how to describe myself, other than that I am lazy, I lack consistancy, motivation, and discipline. Oh, and i am an eternal romantic optimist. So don't expect great things from this blog.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

The girls are losing their minds, and the boys ain't far behind

Well, I have returned from my weekend at Jones Lake. These kids are driving me NUTS!!! About half way into day two they started driving each other nuts as well. I forgot how irritated kids get with eachother when they have been together for a few days.

All in all though, the camping experience was a good one. We sent lots of time in the lake, tubed down river, and just hung out at the site, doing what you do when you camp, which is pretty much eat and drink.

Sleeping on the ground sucks ass by the way. I slept terrible our first tonights there, but on the third night, after following the canoe race, we crashed at my parents. I am still pretty tired, and am looking way forward to sleeping in my own bed tonight.

The canoe race was fun, as usual, but when it was time to take the kids back, I was sad that I couldn't go on to Mio, so next year the camping trip will not be marathon weekend.

Not really anything to exciting to report, not catastrophies either. I am glad to be home, and I am really glad Buckcherry is only 52 hours away!

(Dustin, did you bring home the cup this year???)


  • At 9:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    No cup again this year. Like the 2 years previous, we again failed to score a single point. Our only consulation was that there were 2 other teams that did not score a point as well. Looks like we will again be named pointless, for one more year.

    Glad that you had good time with camping and all that. Always good to get back out doors and be with mother nature.



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