
ummm, I don't know how to describe myself, other than that I am lazy, I lack consistancy, motivation, and discipline. Oh, and i am an eternal romantic optimist. So don't expect great things from this blog.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I am so dumb.

(Watching: The Guiding Light)

I have absolutely no self confidence.

In my english class today, we had to go around the room and find out information from other students, you know, just to get to know each other better. It was pretty lame. But, as I am going around talking to people I don't know, my face is bright red, and i get like 147 degrees. Then, i had to tell the class baout a book i read this summer, just from my desk, I didn't have to get up in front of the class or anything. But, the same thing, red face, 147 degrees, all shakey. I am soo retarded.

However, in this whole process, I had 3 people tell me how cool they thought my hand writing was. So "HA!!!!!!!!", to all of you who give me crap about it.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Uhhhh DUH

(Watching: 48 Hours Mystery)

So, I had my english paper in the back room today, you know, the awesome one i posted last night.

ANYWAY, my boss comes up to me and says, no lie, "I seen your english paper in the back and have a few suggestions for you" LOL

I have a suggestion for her too, LEARN F'ING ENGLISH!!!!!!

Monday, August 28, 2006

Lucky you

(Listening to: Golden Earring - "Radar Love"

This is my first homework assignment in my english class. It is all about me, so I thought I would share it with all of you. Enjoy, LOL!!!

Dear Janet:

I will start this letter by taking you back in time, back to when I was younger, when most people begin college. I will start at the time I was 18 and end the letter with an event as recent as two months ago. I hope you learn a little about me, enjoy my own personal writing style, and have not too much critiquing to do after reading it.

After graduating high school, I enrolled in Baker College in Owasso. I had visions of becoming the CEO of IBM or some equally large company. I was big into the television show Knot Landing at the time, and thought Nicolette Sheridan was the ultimate in cool with her short skirted business suits and her sexy intellectual confidence. Unfortunately, those dreams were shattered, when 32 days before classes started I found out I was pregnant. So, rather that heading to Owasso and becoming the sexy scandalous business woman I wanted to be, I stayed in my hometown of Grayling and became a cosmetologist.

Now, 11 years later, here I am at NMC taking classes to get my associates degree and become a paralegal. This is my 3rd semester here. I have, until now, not taken any college level writing courses. The last writing class I took was “Research and Writing” my senior year of high school. It was my favorite class that year; not only because my favorite teacher taught it, but I actually enjoy doing research papers. Well, I enjoy them when they are on a topic of my choosing.

I chose the paralegal program for a few reasons. One, it is only a two year course; I need a better job as soon as possible. Two, I have always been fascinated with the legal system and all the crazy things people do to get themselves caught up in it. Criminal law will definitely be where I seek employment after graduation. Lastly, it is a good stepping stone for what I would really like to do someday.

If I had no responsibilities and a bunch of time and money to waste, I would skip the paralegal studies and go straight to political science. I love politics! They are truly fascinating. I really have no interest in becoming a politician myself. A political analyst is more up my ally. The next Tim Russert, if you will.

As for reading and writing outside of school, it is pretty sporadic. During fall and spring semesters, I don’t really have the time for pleasure reading. I always think that I am going to read a book of my choice for at least an hour a night, but, with working full time, going to school full time, and raising a son, that is all it really is; a nice thought. However, on all three breaks, I am a reading machine. I have no specific genre of choice, but there are certainly some I stay away from. Since I am not actively involved in any, pop culture, delinquent youth, sex, drugs, and rock n roll are a few of my favorite things to read about. Where writing is concerned, I don’t do much of that outside of school. However, I did start a blog online about two months ago. My entries are nothing profound or meaningful, and there is absolutely no writing structure. They are just random thoughts and observations mostly, but I guess it is better than no writing at all.


Amy Jo Anthony

Sunday, August 27, 2006


Marshall and I watched The Benchwarmers this weekend, I found it hilariously funny, and I had very low expectations.

Coinicidently, Kaylan watched it the same night I did, she found it mildly amuzing, but what the heck does she know anyway.


All my hard work

See post below....

Busy Busy

I just had this whole long blog entry about my busy day, I was almost done, and my F'ing puter froze. Now I am pissed, and I am going to make it short and sweet.

I cleaned my house from top to bottom today, and when I was done with that, I rearranged my living room. I had to bring my desktop out from my bedroom and put it in my living room. The place that I live in offers DSL for like 14.00. I am currently paying like 50.00 for Charter, so I thought I would give DSL a try, maybe save myself a few bucks a month.

(Side note: I am watching the Emmys right now, Dick Clark is on giving a speech, it is the first time I have seen him since his stroke. He is in rough shape. I am finding this hilariously funny, yet terribly sad at the same time.)

ANWAY, so I rearranged my living room, and brought the desktop out. I am not sure I will like this, I have never had it out here before. Bringing it in the living room brings more wires, which I hate. And I can already here the arguements Marshall and I are going to have over the volume on his puter games. Guess I should invest in some headphones. However, the desktop has my itunes on it, and all the truely radical music that I listen to, so it will be nice to have access to that in the living room where I listen to music most. And really, as I sit here in the living room typing this (on my laptop, not desktop), it really is pretty darn cozy in here, I think I might like it. Which is good cause I am not sure I could sucker another neighbor into coming into to move my tv for me.

Again, ANYWAY, so much for making this short this time. So, I do this whole house cleaning extravaganza every year at this time. Tomorrow is my first day of school for this semester. I guess I feel that if I get my house totally in order before school starts it'll be one less thing I have to worry about while working and going to school full time. It never really works out that way, but it's a nice thought, don't you think?

I talked to Dustin today, hadn't talked to him in awhile, and wanted to remind him of the upcoming Electric Six show. Even though I am still incredibly bitter at him for leaving me alone in TC (it would have been alot easier finding someone to move my tv for me if he were still here), i want him to go, cause he has totally missed out the last couple of times, and it is one of the few times i get to hang out with him(since he abandoned me in TC).

As I mentioned earlier, tomorrow is my first day back at school, and it is gonna be a ROUGH semester for me, so think lots of happy "4.0" thoughts for me, that might help me get the 1.5 I need to pass algebra.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Funny quote from Butters

"Besides, I'd rather be a crying pussy than a faggy goth kid anyday"

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Things i would like to put ON NOTICE

It's finally raining

Holy crap, the rain is coming down today.

If the rain is really gods tears, than I think god is drunk, and he just found out his girlfriend is cheating on him with zeus.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Just a few things

(Listening to: Rod Stewart - "Downtown Train")

Found out today that my neighbor cat, kidder, is coming into my house and peeing on the floor. The first time, I thought maybe Lily had an accident. I like to leave my back door open sometimes, and i caught kidder exiting my house while Lily was out in the woods doing her thing. After he left, I walked into the kitchen and there was a huge puddle of pee on the floor. He comes in, smells another cat and decides to mark his territory. Guess I will be keeping my back door closed from now on.

Was sitting in my living room watching As the World Turns today, and I heard gun shots. I know the neighbor kids have one of those soft air guns. When I walked out, I expected to see one of them out shooting it, but ohhh nooo. The neighbor next to me on the second floor was on his balcony playing sniper with his pellet gun shooting at birds and squrills. What a dumb ass. Put an end to that real quick.

Marshall has this HUGE bump, kind like a welt i guess, but its not red, just huge on his forehead, He doesn't remember bumping it, or feeling anything, he didn't even know it was there till I mentioned it. If it is not one thing it is another.

Checked my mail today and there was a card and a lil gift in my mail box from my mom and Rick. It really lifted my spirits, I am very lucky to have them as parents.

Seven days and counting till fall semester starts. I am not looking forward to this semester at all, my class are soooo boring; math, english, and critical thinking. I have enlisted kaylan to stay on my ass about going, cause I know come winter time, getting out of my warm bed to go out into the cold for a math class is not what i am going to want to do. Although Kaylan is not real motivated herself when it comes to school stuff, so it should be interesting. (no offence sis)

Sunday, August 20, 2006

I am such a dork

(Listening to: Korn - "Falling Away")

Imagine this....Its a beautiful day, only about three clouds in the sky, the sun is shining . You walk up to to the beach, there are about 100 people there in shorts, speedos, and bikinis. Children young and old splashing around in the water. You scan the beach, and there in the center of it all, is me, wearing pants, a shirt, and a fleece jacket sipped all the way up to the top with the hood over my head, also covered up cozily with two towels.

In my defence, it was only 73 degree today, and with the wind that comes off the lake, it gets mighty chilly.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Wrong Move?

(Watching: A Knights Tale)

It is 1 a.m., and I am sitting in my living room watching a guy in hand cuffs lying on the ground with 3 cops taking turns holding him down right outside my living room window. They have been here for atleast an hour, I did nnot notice them pull up, but when i first noticed there were three cop cars, and the guy pinned to the ground.

I am wondering why they are keeping him on the ground, and not putting them in the back seat of one of the cop cars. It makes me real worried that they are going to just let him go. Why else wouldn't they have him in the car by now.

I am thinking there is prolly another cop or two in the apartment they live in either doing some searching or questioning. This guy on the ground in cuffs is freaking out, when I first notcied, they had him lying on the side walk face down, with a cop pushing him down with his foot, now, an hour later he is about ten feet from where he started and a cop is kneeling on his back trying to hold him still.

People are wondering out from the apartment now, a few chics, and on lil baby. I feel sick. I don't think I will be getting much sleep tonight.

Friday, August 18, 2006

For you reading pleasure

(Listening to: Buckcherry - "You")

Another funny story from The Onion.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Failure to recover

woke up this morning, unable to open my eye. Had to walk around the house with blinds closed and sunglasses on. Had to have my dad come from Grayling to take me to the hospital cause I couldn't even drive.

Apparently I have two infected cornial abrasions. Sucks to be me.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


I have absolutely nothing even semi-interesting going on right now.

Monday, August 14, 2006

My sister turned me on...

to this song. "Radio" by Alkaline Trio. It's pretty awesome, I can think of a period of time in my life where I could definately relate to it.

Dear Freud

I had a very weird dream last night about Josh Todd. Buckcherry was playing somewhere here in TC, and I was there with a group of friends. I don't remember how I ended up meeting him, but we spent most of the evening together, when he was not up singing. We were kissing and holding hands and stuff. Then he told me if I wanted to have sex with him I would have to pay for it. Then I woke up. I guess I was broke.

Hey, Remeber the Sprint Guy?

(Watching: "Mind of Mencia" (I wouldn't recommend it))

This makes me sad, I have the biggest crush on this guy.

"This is kind of a bummer. Now that Sprint and Nextel have merged, one of the changes that will occur at the company is the scrapping of commercials featuring the Sprint Guy. Not to be confused with the bespectacled mod from Verizon who spouts "Can you hear me now?" incessantly (if that isn't the "Where's the beef?" of this generation, I don't know what is). No, the "Sprint Guy" was actor Brian Baker, who, always clad in a long black coat, would inform the population about the wonders of Sprint. To further add insult to injury, Baker didn't even know he'd been tossed aside until he read about it in the newspaper. Sad, really. "

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Road to recovery

(Watching: The Parent Trap)

It's been a long, boring, and a huge waste of some nice days off, but I think I am just about back to normal. I have spent the last two days sleeping and lazing around. There were a few bright spots though. Yesterday Marshall baked me a cherry chip cake with cherry frosting, my favorite. He is becoming quite the lil chef. Also, last night we went to see Talladega Nights, the Story of Ricky Bobby. It was a pretty good movie, I definately recommend you go.

A couple things have happened since I have been out sick that I think are worth mentioning now.

1. The Lions beat the Broncos 20 -13. People say it is a good sign, but if I remember correctly, they always do quite will in the pre-season, then totally blow it when it counts

2. Joe Lieberman lost in the primarys to fellow democrat Ned Lamont, and vows to now run as an independant democrat in Novemeber. What an asshole. He's going to split the democratic vote in November, possibly allowing a republican to win. Alot of people said he lost the primary because he is "too close" to president bush. And this shows yet another similarity, neither one of them care about what the majority of the people want, they are both doing what they want anyway.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Another swell morning

Woke up with pink eye this morning! Boy are things going my way these days or what.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Stephen Colbert's funny joke

(Listening to: Wolfmother - "Woman")

He was talking about the headline that "George Bush was taking his shortest vaction ever", only 10 days. With all this crap going on in the mid-east, apparently he is thinking 10 days is all he can afford to be gone.

ANYWAY, Stephen goes on to say “The President needs a break. He’s like like a Black and Decker cordless Dirt Devil vacuum. If you don’t recharge his batteries, he can’t suck.”

Oh yeah, and another one of Stephens gems

It's official, I'm sick

(Watching: The Colbert Report)

I finally went to the doctor today. I thought I was getting better, sorta. Then today at work, when I swallowed, the pain traveled down from my throat, all the way to my chest. OUCH!! That was it, the final straw.

I don't like to go to the doc, mainly because I have no health insurance, but also, I am always a lil afraid they are going to tell me I have lung cancer, or some other kind of cancer I guess. But ANYWAY, I have a sinus infection and strep throat.

Got some drugs, and hope they work quick cause it's been a week now, and I am sooo tired of feeling yucky.

Are you ready for some football?

(Watching: The Daily Show)
Tomorrow night the pre-season will begin for the Lions with a game against the Denver Bronco's at Ford Field. I am pretty excited, they are playing on UPN, so with my Fancy cable, I will be able to watch them lose. I shouldn't say that, I haven't paid any attention to what is going on with the Lions, in fact I had no idea their pre-season games were starting so soon untill this morning.

So, it looks to be a beautiful sunny day, I think I am finally getting over being ill (i think), it is payday, so I am feeling optimistic and because of that I will predict the Lions will beat the Broncos tomorrow night.

Dustin are you entering the pool again this year?

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Francis Bean Cobain in Elle

It is amazing to me how old this kid is . I remember when she was born. I remember thinking how lucky she was to have the parents she did. Now, well, her dad committed suicide, and her mom is, well, Courtney Love. Not so jealous anymore I suppose.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Cat scratch fever

It is 2 a.m. and I am F-ing wide awake. About two hours ago, I woke up to a huge crash and a hissing cat. I figured Lily knocked something of of somewhere. Well, I was right, but that was the least of my problems.

We have this neighbor cat named Kitter, he is Lily's arch - nemesis. Whenever they see each other they growl and hiss at each other and Lily chases him into the woods. Although this could also mean they are in love. I tell her to stay away from him, cause he is obviously the "bad boy" type, he wears black and always shows up at her window in the wee hours of the morning.

ANYWAY, evidently a picture frame was knocked off my window sill while Lily was busting out the screen window. I got up and one corner of the screen was loose, and my kitty is nowhere to be found. What a whore.

So, now I am wide awake. That whole affair happend about an hour and a half ago. I tried to go back to sleep, but found myself just lying there. My nose is pretty stuffy, so I am breathing out of my mouth, which makes it dry, which in turn makes me licks my lips, which inevitably makes them dry.

I considered waking Marshall up to ask him if he would bring me my chapstick. He would normally find that amusing, but at 2 a.m. he would prolly just tell me to get my own F-ing chapstick, gosh.

So here I am at 2, sunburned, sleepy,stuffy, and seriously pissed off at my cat.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Sailing...takes me away

Check out my sailor man...

Well, our first day of sailing camp is a success. Marshall really liked it. He was a lil nervous at first, but it didn't take much time and he was right into it. I however, was a nervous wreck the whole time he was out in the middle of the lake. Being the non-swimmer that I am, it scares me to death to think of my baby dumped in 20 feet or more of water. But, apparently by the end of the two weeks they have to purposely tip themselves out there so that they can learn to flip the boat back over and jump back on. I am not allowed to attend that day.

I slathered him down with sunblock, but for some reason didn't even think about doing it to myself, so I got pretty baked (and not in a good way either). I hope it isn't too bad, cause I sure don't need to feel any sicker than I do already.

I also found out that after Marsh completes his two week class we can go down to the marina on the evenings and weekends and rent the sail boats. So hopefully by the end of the summer, he will be taking me out on a sail boat and teaching me how to sail. And I guess on Thursdays boat rental is free to kids who went to camp.

Another reason to love Stephen Colbert

Colbert on Wikipedia.
Best part is he actually did this,
and got booted from the site.

Rejected again

( Watching: The Colbert Report)

It's Monday, my day off. However, I had to be to work at 8:00. We had a scheduled seminar, some stupid ass thing that Supercuts makes us do every three months. It is supposedly done to keep us up to date on all the new styles, colors, and other new trends involving hair. But, in all honesty, it is a huge F-ing waste of time, and always on my day off no less.

After several weeks of bitching and whining and trying to get out of it the day had arrived. I got up, got ready and showed up at work like the good lil employee I am. Within 10 minutes of being there, I was sent home. I still have my sexy voice, still having 983 degree hot flashes, and a mildly sore throat.

I'll try again tomorrow.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Marshall the sailor man

(Watching: The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy)

This morning Marshall and I went to MC Sports to buy his life jacket for sailing camp, which starts tomorrow.

For those of you who I did not brag to about this already, my son entered an essay contest in the spring. All the students in his school had to write an essay on why they would like to attend sailling camp. There were 10 essays out of the whole school chosen, Marshall's was one of them. He won two weeks as a local sailing camp, where he will learn, well, I guess how to sail. I will leave you will this award winning essay.....

Dear sailing camp,

I know I like to swim and to fish so I might like to sail. The reason I might want to go to camp is because I could learn something for my career. This would help me get a good job. When I grow up I think I want to be a lawyer or a police officer. I am 11 years old. I like to play on my x box. I also like to work on my computer. I go to electric guitar lessons at Marshall Music. This summer I might take karate lessons. I am an artist, read, eat, I also like history.


Marshall David Anthony

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Today sucks

I got up and went to work today, I was there for less than an hour. Apparently I look as crappy as a feel, cause they sent me home.

I have pretty much sat around, feeling my body temp go from freezing cold to excruciatingly hot. I think I have a sinus infection, cause it feels like my throat is going to crawl up the back of my head and explode out of both of my ears.

Pretty good whinning eh?

One way or another, I am dying

I am so sick. My body aches so bad, I can barely hold still enough to type. My throat hurts pretty bad too, I am starting to have a sexy phone sex operator voice. And everytime I stand up, I get this awful pain kind of deep in my right ear canal. Man, what rough shape I am in. I blame it on Danielle, she had a pretty sexy voice and sore throat the other night at Buckcherry, and we shared a few drinks.

So, ANYWAY, what the heck am I doing up if I am so sick? Well, someone just knocked at my door. It is one o'clock in the morning, and someone is knocking on my door. This freaks me right out. I got up after the third knock, and quietly peeked out my lil peek hole, no one was there. So either it was a midget, or whoever it was moved out of the way so i could not see him. As I was peeking out the hole, they knocked again, I almost screamed and peed my pants.

So here I am at almost one thirty, stretching like crazy from my body aches, affraid to stand up cause it will hurt my inner ear and affraid to go to sleep cause I have a knocking midget serial killer in the neighborhood.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Just looking for suggestions

(Watching: Corwin's Quest)

Soo tired....body aches....must smoke....

No, actually the first few days are pretty easy for me, it is when I hit day four when it starts getting hard to pass by the gas station without stopping in for a pack.

Honestly though, my body does ache, I am more tired than I should be to. I don't think this has anything to do with cigs. It is probably my body rejecting all the water I drank today. I hope I am not getting sick.

Anyway, I am thinking about changing my email client. I have had this hotmail address for as long as i have had the internet. Over the years I have done a good job about keeping the junk mail away, but recently I have been recieving an abundance of it. Stupid crap about watches, mortages, and of course, sex.

So, anyone have any suggestions on a good one to switch to, or any warnings on ones to stay away from?

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Smoking Stinks

Well, today is my last day of smoking again. I have nine cigarettes left in my pack, and by the time I go to bed they will be gone. I am going tonight after work to get water, cheese, and pickles. These are my favorite three things to help satisfy my oral fixation.

Last September I quite smoking for six months. I definatley felt much better as a non-smoker, I had a lot more energy, and am looking forward to getting back to that. I started an afagan last september when I quit, it gives me something to do with my hands. That afagan still has a lot of work to go, so hopefully I will be able to finish it this time.

Think happy non-smoking thoughts for me.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

My night out

Last night was too much fun. Danielle and I went to The Big Easy for dinner and a few drinks before the concert. We apparently were the only people crazy enough to sit on the patio. We were the only two people out there, it was 98 degrees and extremely humid, but it beats freezing in the air conditioned resturant.

When we got to Streeters, we made our way into the club and got a great table, but decided we wanted to talk and since the bands were so loud, it made it about impossible. Since we really had no intrest in the two opening bands we wnt back to the front bar and made fun of all the people walking in. (People watching is one of my favorite things to do.

I saw alot of people that I knew there, which was cool, cuase they bought me lots of drinks. In my high school days I was quite the drinker, now that I am an old lady I don't drink very often, but when I do, I surprise myself on how much I can put away. I drank a few beers, did a "superman" shot(it's blue and tastes just like superman ice cream, yummy). I had a few "sex in the woods", which consists of grape pucker, amaretto, and sprite. They are quite tastey as well. I also drank "lizzard piss", which is blue pucker, and mountain dew, again, yummy. At the end of the night one of my customers bought me a vodka and rasberry lemonade, but I couldn't handle that. Vodka is yucky!

As for the band, Buckcherry was AWESOME! The lead singer was just as hot in person, well, if you are into that tatooed, super skinny, heroine type, which I am sometimes.

Anyway, if Buckcherry comes anywhere near you, go see them, they most deifnately ROCK!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

It's Buckcherry Night

It's finally here. There is somethin very exciting about going to see a band in concert for the first time, especially when the lead singer is super ultra mega hot!!

I will leave you all with a lil taste of what I will be experiencing tonight: Buckcherry "Porno star"

I got this blessed view
Late night working avenue

Never had a chance to love you
Never want to see you cry

Thank god it's quitting time
Fuck me hard or kill the lights

Never had a chance to love you
Never want to see you cry
Never had a chance to love you
Hard cock nasty mind

Well come on

Take off your clothes and shut the door
Pornagraphic monster on the floor
That's what you like, I'll come some more
Don't you know we fuck for money
I'm a big dick
Mother fucking
Porno star

In my face, on top again
Dead lay lover never wins

Never had a chance to love you
Never want to see you cry

The best fuck you'll ever have
Good job from a working man

Never had a chance to love you
Never want to see you cry
Never had a chance to love youHard cock suicide

Well come on


Do you like that baby?
