
ummm, I don't know how to describe myself, other than that I am lazy, I lack consistancy, motivation, and discipline. Oh, and i am an eternal romantic optimist. So don't expect great things from this blog.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

My night out

Last night was too much fun. Danielle and I went to The Big Easy for dinner and a few drinks before the concert. We apparently were the only people crazy enough to sit on the patio. We were the only two people out there, it was 98 degrees and extremely humid, but it beats freezing in the air conditioned resturant.

When we got to Streeters, we made our way into the club and got a great table, but decided we wanted to talk and since the bands were so loud, it made it about impossible. Since we really had no intrest in the two opening bands we wnt back to the front bar and made fun of all the people walking in. (People watching is one of my favorite things to do.

I saw alot of people that I knew there, which was cool, cuase they bought me lots of drinks. In my high school days I was quite the drinker, now that I am an old lady I don't drink very often, but when I do, I surprise myself on how much I can put away. I drank a few beers, did a "superman" shot(it's blue and tastes just like superman ice cream, yummy). I had a few "sex in the woods", which consists of grape pucker, amaretto, and sprite. They are quite tastey as well. I also drank "lizzard piss", which is blue pucker, and mountain dew, again, yummy. At the end of the night one of my customers bought me a vodka and rasberry lemonade, but I couldn't handle that. Vodka is yucky!

As for the band, Buckcherry was AWESOME! The lead singer was just as hot in person, well, if you are into that tatooed, super skinny, heroine type, which I am sometimes.

Anyway, if Buckcherry comes anywhere near you, go see them, they most deifnately ROCK!


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