
ummm, I don't know how to describe myself, other than that I am lazy, I lack consistancy, motivation, and discipline. Oh, and i am an eternal romantic optimist. So don't expect great things from this blog.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Wrong Move?

(Watching: A Knights Tale)

It is 1 a.m., and I am sitting in my living room watching a guy in hand cuffs lying on the ground with 3 cops taking turns holding him down right outside my living room window. They have been here for atleast an hour, I did nnot notice them pull up, but when i first noticed there were three cop cars, and the guy pinned to the ground.

I am wondering why they are keeping him on the ground, and not putting them in the back seat of one of the cop cars. It makes me real worried that they are going to just let him go. Why else wouldn't they have him in the car by now.

I am thinking there is prolly another cop or two in the apartment they live in either doing some searching or questioning. This guy on the ground in cuffs is freaking out, when I first notcied, they had him lying on the side walk face down, with a cop pushing him down with his foot, now, an hour later he is about ten feet from where he started and a cop is kneeling on his back trying to hold him still.

People are wondering out from the apartment now, a few chics, and on lil baby. I feel sick. I don't think I will be getting much sleep tonight.


  • At 8:51 PM, Blogger toby said…

    Bad boys, bad boys whatcha gonna do...


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