
ummm, I don't know how to describe myself, other than that I am lazy, I lack consistancy, motivation, and discipline. Oh, and i am an eternal romantic optimist. So don't expect great things from this blog.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Road to recovery

(Watching: The Parent Trap)

It's been a long, boring, and a huge waste of some nice days off, but I think I am just about back to normal. I have spent the last two days sleeping and lazing around. There were a few bright spots though. Yesterday Marshall baked me a cherry chip cake with cherry frosting, my favorite. He is becoming quite the lil chef. Also, last night we went to see Talladega Nights, the Story of Ricky Bobby. It was a pretty good movie, I definately recommend you go.

A couple things have happened since I have been out sick that I think are worth mentioning now.

1. The Lions beat the Broncos 20 -13. People say it is a good sign, but if I remember correctly, they always do quite will in the pre-season, then totally blow it when it counts

2. Joe Lieberman lost in the primarys to fellow democrat Ned Lamont, and vows to now run as an independant democrat in Novemeber. What an asshole. He's going to split the democratic vote in November, possibly allowing a republican to win. Alot of people said he lost the primary because he is "too close" to president bush. And this shows yet another similarity, neither one of them care about what the majority of the people want, they are both doing what they want anyway.


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