
ummm, I don't know how to describe myself, other than that I am lazy, I lack consistancy, motivation, and discipline. Oh, and i am an eternal romantic optimist. So don't expect great things from this blog.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Busy Busy

I just had this whole long blog entry about my busy day, I was almost done, and my F'ing puter froze. Now I am pissed, and I am going to make it short and sweet.

I cleaned my house from top to bottom today, and when I was done with that, I rearranged my living room. I had to bring my desktop out from my bedroom and put it in my living room. The place that I live in offers DSL for like 14.00. I am currently paying like 50.00 for Charter, so I thought I would give DSL a try, maybe save myself a few bucks a month.

(Side note: I am watching the Emmys right now, Dick Clark is on giving a speech, it is the first time I have seen him since his stroke. He is in rough shape. I am finding this hilariously funny, yet terribly sad at the same time.)

ANWAY, so I rearranged my living room, and brought the desktop out. I am not sure I will like this, I have never had it out here before. Bringing it in the living room brings more wires, which I hate. And I can already here the arguements Marshall and I are going to have over the volume on his puter games. Guess I should invest in some headphones. However, the desktop has my itunes on it, and all the truely radical music that I listen to, so it will be nice to have access to that in the living room where I listen to music most. And really, as I sit here in the living room typing this (on my laptop, not desktop), it really is pretty darn cozy in here, I think I might like it. Which is good cause I am not sure I could sucker another neighbor into coming into to move my tv for me.

Again, ANYWAY, so much for making this short this time. So, I do this whole house cleaning extravaganza every year at this time. Tomorrow is my first day of school for this semester. I guess I feel that if I get my house totally in order before school starts it'll be one less thing I have to worry about while working and going to school full time. It never really works out that way, but it's a nice thought, don't you think?

I talked to Dustin today, hadn't talked to him in awhile, and wanted to remind him of the upcoming Electric Six show. Even though I am still incredibly bitter at him for leaving me alone in TC (it would have been alot easier finding someone to move my tv for me if he were still here), i want him to go, cause he has totally missed out the last couple of times, and it is one of the few times i get to hang out with him(since he abandoned me in TC).

As I mentioned earlier, tomorrow is my first day back at school, and it is gonna be a ROUGH semester for me, so think lots of happy "4.0" thoughts for me, that might help me get the 1.5 I need to pass algebra.


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