
ummm, I don't know how to describe myself, other than that I am lazy, I lack consistancy, motivation, and discipline. Oh, and i am an eternal romantic optimist. So don't expect great things from this blog.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I am so dumb.

(Watching: The Guiding Light)

I have absolutely no self confidence.

In my english class today, we had to go around the room and find out information from other students, you know, just to get to know each other better. It was pretty lame. But, as I am going around talking to people I don't know, my face is bright red, and i get like 147 degrees. Then, i had to tell the class baout a book i read this summer, just from my desk, I didn't have to get up in front of the class or anything. But, the same thing, red face, 147 degrees, all shakey. I am soo retarded.

However, in this whole process, I had 3 people tell me how cool they thought my hand writing was. So "HA!!!!!!!!", to all of you who give me crap about it.


  • At 11:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    public speaking is one of the top phobias of people. it's common. don't sweat it (pun intended!) you'll prolly do better next time!

  • At 8:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Just pretend that everyone is naked. That is what they always say works the best.


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