
ummm, I don't know how to describe myself, other than that I am lazy, I lack consistancy, motivation, and discipline. Oh, and i am an eternal romantic optimist. So don't expect great things from this blog.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Lucky you

(Listening to: Golden Earring - "Radar Love"

This is my first homework assignment in my english class. It is all about me, so I thought I would share it with all of you. Enjoy, LOL!!!

Dear Janet:

I will start this letter by taking you back in time, back to when I was younger, when most people begin college. I will start at the time I was 18 and end the letter with an event as recent as two months ago. I hope you learn a little about me, enjoy my own personal writing style, and have not too much critiquing to do after reading it.

After graduating high school, I enrolled in Baker College in Owasso. I had visions of becoming the CEO of IBM or some equally large company. I was big into the television show Knot Landing at the time, and thought Nicolette Sheridan was the ultimate in cool with her short skirted business suits and her sexy intellectual confidence. Unfortunately, those dreams were shattered, when 32 days before classes started I found out I was pregnant. So, rather that heading to Owasso and becoming the sexy scandalous business woman I wanted to be, I stayed in my hometown of Grayling and became a cosmetologist.

Now, 11 years later, here I am at NMC taking classes to get my associates degree and become a paralegal. This is my 3rd semester here. I have, until now, not taken any college level writing courses. The last writing class I took was “Research and Writing” my senior year of high school. It was my favorite class that year; not only because my favorite teacher taught it, but I actually enjoy doing research papers. Well, I enjoy them when they are on a topic of my choosing.

I chose the paralegal program for a few reasons. One, it is only a two year course; I need a better job as soon as possible. Two, I have always been fascinated with the legal system and all the crazy things people do to get themselves caught up in it. Criminal law will definitely be where I seek employment after graduation. Lastly, it is a good stepping stone for what I would really like to do someday.

If I had no responsibilities and a bunch of time and money to waste, I would skip the paralegal studies and go straight to political science. I love politics! They are truly fascinating. I really have no interest in becoming a politician myself. A political analyst is more up my ally. The next Tim Russert, if you will.

As for reading and writing outside of school, it is pretty sporadic. During fall and spring semesters, I don’t really have the time for pleasure reading. I always think that I am going to read a book of my choice for at least an hour a night, but, with working full time, going to school full time, and raising a son, that is all it really is; a nice thought. However, on all three breaks, I am a reading machine. I have no specific genre of choice, but there are certainly some I stay away from. Since I am not actively involved in any, pop culture, delinquent youth, sex, drugs, and rock n roll are a few of my favorite things to read about. Where writing is concerned, I don’t do much of that outside of school. However, I did start a blog online about two months ago. My entries are nothing profound or meaningful, and there is absolutely no writing structure. They are just random thoughts and observations mostly, but I guess it is better than no writing at all.


Amy Jo Anthony


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