
ummm, I don't know how to describe myself, other than that I am lazy, I lack consistancy, motivation, and discipline. Oh, and i am an eternal romantic optimist. So don't expect great things from this blog.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The Mind is a Terrible Thing to Taste

(Listening to: White Lion - "Little Fighter"

The other night I was sitting at my puter going through all my music looking for cool songs that I forgot exisited. I got to the m's and ran across Ministry, the song was "Jesus Built My Hotrod", way cool song.

ANYWAY, this reminded me of me and Kaylan, and how totally cool we are. For the last two year we have been doing the whole "day after thanxgiving" shopping thing. We have this whole routine that we do in preperation of shopping, but i won't get into that, cause then you'll see that we are actually not cool at all, but reall super big dorks. In short, we spend thanxgiving in grayling, then leave something that evening to head to my house. we try to get some sleep, but are way to excited for all the good deals to sleep much. So, about 3 a.m. we get up and get ready to hit the stores. And each time, and hopefully again this year, we get in the car to go and pop in the Ministry cd "The Mind is A terrible thing to taste". It is some pretty hardcore heavy stuff, but perfect for preparing to push old ladies and children the hell out of your way so you can get your hands on the deal of the century.

I don't know why, but i thought that this was kind of strange and pretty cool, and hope it is a tradition that we carry on for lots of years to come.

Can you say 89%

(listening to: The White Stripes - "White Moon")

I can, cause that is what I got on my Algebra test

I am bad ass!!!

(Thanx Jason)


(Listening to: Electric Six - Radio Ga Ga)

Well, lets see, it's wednesday. Had planned to go down to Streeters to watch Matt play, but I am thinking I am gonna change my mind.

Danielle has a cabin in th UP on Trout Lake, so we are leaving for up there on Friday afternoon, and staying till Sunday. So, I think rather than going out tonight, i will stay home and save my money and energy for the UP. Don't know, making decisions isn't really my thing, sooo, we'll see.
I still have no internet at home, supposesd to get news about that today, it is really starting to piss me off though.

38 days til E6 at St Andrews Hall

Monday, September 25, 2006

(Listening to: Electric Six - "Getting Into the Jam")

Well, needless to say, my internet at home still sucks ass!! Not sure what I am going to do about it. I don't really want to go back to charter, but if this keeps up for much longer, I guess I am going to have to. It's hard to do well in an online class when you have no internet.

Let's see...Marshall is loving the cross country team, which I think is fabulous. He will have his first meet on Tuesday.

We both had a fun weekend, marshall had Allen spend the night on friday, then a new friend steven, spent the night on Sat. I had company both nights as well. Friday was pretty lax, but saturday we got a lil silly.

Danielle and I had these bad ass potatos at NP a few weeks ago, so we decided that we were going to try to recreate them at home. We spent the early evening in the kitchen drinking mamossa's and cooking our tatos and a london broil. Matt came over later, then jason showed up with a couple of his friends for a minute. This one guy, threw a lighter in my grill while Danielle was roasting marshmallows. God I hate stupid people.

Yesterday was spent on the couch, I didn't go to bed till 6 am on saturday so i was less than motivated. I watched the Lions game, which was rough, but better than last weeks. Ate potatoes (we made 3 pounds on saturday, so i will being enjoying a pethora of potato dishes for the next few days).

Well, gotta go to English. I get my algrebra test back today, I am so super nervous.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Rude Awakening

(Listening To: Led Zepplin - "Immigrant Song"

So, I went to bed Monday night at about 11. I use my cell phone for an alarm clock. I woke up to the sound of the phone, got up walked to the bathroom, to get in the shower and get ready for work. I realized halfway there, that it was awfully dark out for 7 am. So I turned back and looked at my phone, and it wasn't my alarm going off, it was only 12:30, Jason had sent me a text message. So, I clicked the button and the message said "You Awake?"


Midweek update

(Listening To: Santana - "I'm Winning")

Well, I haven't been posting very regularly lately because i have been having serious internet problems at home since Friday. So, I have only been able to get on the puter at school. This problem is supposed to be fixed today.

Umm, lets see, there have been many times over the last few days that i have thought about bitchin things to blog about, but unfortunately, I have forgetton them all.

Marshall joined the Cross Country team at school! Who woulda thunk? Certainly not me, but hey I am all for it, he starts practice today, and has his first meet next Tuesday. I am not sure how long it will last. With his weight and laziness, and my smoking, I can't imagine running will be an easy thing for him, but I hope he loves it and I will be there to support everyday.

I have my first algebra test today, so everybody think happy math thoughts for me. I am actually feeling pretty good about, Jason helped me alot on Sunday. If he gets me a 2.0 in this class, I am gonna have to take him out.

I haven't been doing much of anything this week, just work and school. My mom came up last night to have her hair done, we did that, got dinner, and watched the season premier of Boston Legal(watch it).

It's getting cold, which makes me want to cry every day!!!!!

Monday, September 18, 2006

My new best friend

(Listening to: Coheed and Cambria - "2113")

So, I met this guy last weekend at Streeters, Jason. He came into work Saturday morning for a haircut, and in talking to him, I found out that he is a math whiz, HOT DOG!!!

Not only that, but he lives practically in my back yard!!! So now I have a new best friend, atleast for the next 12 weeks anyway.

He came over to my house on Sunday, we watched the Lions get spanked, and did my algebra, and he actually helped me out quite a bit. He told me to call him anytime for help, boy is he gonna regret that here in about a month!!!!

Friday, September 15, 2006


You will never guess who came in to Supercuts today!!!!!

Mr. Zimmer, Kim Zimmers dad!!!!!!!!!

For all of you dummies who don't know who Kim Zimmer is, it's REVA!!!!!!!!! From the Guiding Light. She is my all time favorite soap opera chic EVER!!! I can't tell you how many times I have cried at her funerals, weddings, and child births. And trust me, she has had pleanty of each.

He just moved to Elk Rapids. So maybe I will get to see her sometime, I would just die!!!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Draggin ass

Thats what I have been doing all day, draggin ass. I am super ultra mega tired. I had a great time at Streeters last night, good company, good beer, and good music. Life doesn't get much better.

Got home to relieve the babysitter around one, then danielle left shortly after, and Matt came over bout 3, we sat on the couch and talked till 6, and i had to get up at 7:45.

Work was all right till about 3, thats when my tiredness hit, came home and took about a 45 minute nap, then sat outside talking to the neighbors for the rest of the night. All in all it was a good day, just not very productive. I am ready to get it over with though, hopefully wake up tomorrow with a little more energy.

Good night.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Killing Time at NMC

(Listening To: H.I.M. - "Razorblade Kiss")

Did I tell you I bought some Chuck Taylors the other day? I have been wanting a pair for a long time and I finally found a good sale on 'em the other day. They are certainly no Vans (comfort wise), but they are a nice alternative.

Wednesday is my long day, and even longer today than others. I had my english class at 10, now I am oh so anxiously awaitting my algebra class. Then I go get marsh from school, go home, get ready for work, get marsh dinner, go to work till nine, and then to night, Danielle and I are going to Streeters.

Wednesday is Open Mic night, and Matt's band is the house band for it all. I haven't been to an open mic night in a long time, and I guess the band is doing some newer songs, so I am pretty excited about that. They are a great band, and oh my god, does the guitar player rock!!! I say this, not just cause I have a huge crush on him, but he just is one hell of a guitar player.

Matt and I have been friends/make out buddies for about 6 months now. We have two very different lifestyles, which is why we will never go beyond friends, but, give him a guitar, a stage, and me a beer or 2 and look out!! I have a thing for preformers i guess, just sitting and talking to matt doesn't do much for me, but put a guitar in his hands, and thats it, I'm in love.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

CNN Pole

Do you think there are subjects that should be off limits to movie makers?

So that is tonights CNN pole question. Much to my surprise there was a small margin between "yes" and "no".

44% yes
56% no

I guess this topic came about because there is a new fictional documentary out about the asassination of President Bush.

Hey Dustin

I just heard this commercial about Dick De Vos. It said that he laid off people from his company Amway. Does he own like all the Amways ever, or just one in MI?


(Listening To: Electric Six - "Infected Girls")

Do you know where you were today at 8 a.m.?

I do, I was at my local Borders pushing old ladies, fat chics, smelly men, and one little boy out of my way so I could get my hands on Switzerland, the new cd, out today, from the Electric Six.

I haven't listened to the whole thing yet, just kind of scanned through it, I will write a review when I am more prepared. But, I am sure it is nothing short of greatness. How can it not be great when it's chocked full o' DICK! ?!!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Random Thoughts

(Listening To: Coheed and Cambria - "Welcome Home Clean"

I was sitting here thinking about creating a new "Whanna know who I am in love with today" post.

Then, I got to thinking about how I am in love with somebody new on prolly about a weekly basis, even more frequently sometimes. Some times these obsessive crushes last a long time, like a month, after which they turn into passive obssesive crushes. Sometimes they are gone in a day or two. Sometimes out of the blue I will remember someone I totally forgot I was in love with.

ANYWAY, I was thinking, hmm, I wonder if this is strange, some kind of personality disorder maybe.

Then I thought of a few past boyfriends who would halfway jokingly/halfway seriously hate these guys. Once in a while, even a chic. I have a huge crush on Angelina Jolie (as a blonde) and Courney Love. And a semi-crush on, or just smitten with maybe, Gina Gershon. I think it is just her mouth that I find awesome.

So, now I am going to make a list of all the people I have been in love with that made a few of my old boyfriends...dare I say jealous.

Vince Neil (lead sing for motley crue)
Jim Norton (comedian)
John Paxon (chicago bull)
Jason Hanson (detroit Lion)
Coutney Love (singer/actress)
Brock Wilson (umm, average loser)
Josh (Waiter at Pizzaria Uno's, prolly another average loser)
Kevin Spacey (actor)
Axl Rose (singer)
Tom Mills (teacher)
Rob (golf pro at the Natural)
John Travolta (actor)
John Stewart (actor)
Pacey Whitter (Dawson's Creek)
Reva Shane Lewis (Guiding Light)
Rudy Giuliani (politician)

I am sure there are more, but I cannot think of them right now, and it is my bed time, I am looking forward to bed more then any of you could ever imagine.

BTW, who I am in love with today is Josh Todd.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Super fun was had by all

(Listening to: Jefferson Airplane - "White Rabbit")

As planned, Danielle and I started with dinner at North Peak last night. We invited Holly, another chic from work to join us for dinner and cocktails. The food was good, the cocktails were excellent, and the conversation was delightful. We discussed everything from work, to canning applesauce, to blow jobs while driving. Gotta love when women get together.

So, bout 2 hours and 3 or 4 cocktails later, Holly headed home, and Danielle and I went over to Streeters. Streeters is really nothing exciting as far as bars go, but I have come to know a few of the people that hang out there, it is close to home, and we were ready for some pool.

We got there, and there were only bout 8 people in the bar, and not sure how many were in the club part, they were playing dance music, so I stayed as far away as possible. Much to my surprise and excitement though, Matt was sitting up at the bar with his friend Jason. For those of you who don't know, Matt is Marshall's guitar instructor, and I am totally in love with him!! He rocks my world.

ANYWAY, the four of us played pool for awhile. Boys vs. Girls. We each won one game, but never finished the tie breaker. Danielle was the big drinker of the night. She drove for Buckcherry, so last night it was my turn to be the semi-responsible one.

So, we spent the last few hours before last call, making up our own drinks, butt bowling, and having many unusual conversations. After last call, we all headed back to my house, listened to some music, and to Danielle throw up.

Side note: I am such a good friend, that the first thing I did this morning was take Danielle a chocolate milk shake and some fries, (her own personal hangover cure), cause she had to work today.

Inevitable: incapable of being avoided or evaded <an inevitable outcome>

The pic is of Matt playing guitar, he is the one on the right.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Whanna know who I am in love with today?

(Listening To: Courtney Love - "Doll Parts")

Johnny Knoxville!! Actually, I am in love with him more than just today, but I just saw the trailor for the new Jackass movie, and was reminded of how incredibly hot he is.

Friday, Glorious Friday!

10 more hours till I drop Marshall off at school. I have tomorrow off, and cannot wait to have a day alone at home. I plan to take marsh to school at 9, then come home and go back to bed. Although, I may be to excited to sleep. I am going to go hit some thrift stores in the morning, I need some sweaters for work. As the weather gets colder, and the air conditioning keeps running at work, it gets mighty chilly in there. Afterwords, I will come home and settle in on the couch for a lil As the World Turns and Guiding Light. I have been missing some really exciting stuff since school started. And all the while I will be happily packing Marshall's things for his weekend at grandmas.

The weekend is shaping up nicely. Friday night I will just hang out at home. I have three papers to write this weekend, so hopefully I will get the majority of those done then. I am also considering coloring my hair. I have been having real problems with myself since my new dyke haircut, so maybe a lil color will help. I also intend on going crazy and renting a rated R movie, ooooo!

Gotta work Saturday, but the plan is still to go out with Danielle later. She is one of the oddest individuals I have ever met. She said, that we have to dress up when we go out Saturday, like skirts and stuff. Not sure what that is all about, but doubt I will participate. I told her maybe I would go all out and wear some heels with my jeans.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


(Listening To: Alkaline Trio - "Good Fucking Bye"

Today was pretty uneventful, for me anyway. I worked, cooked dinner, talked to the neighbor for a bit, and did my algebra homework. Yeee Haaa!

Marshall had his first day of school today. 5th grade, can you believe it? He said the day went well. They only had a half a day so didn't really have time to delve into much of anything. His best friend is in his class, and that is all he really cared about anyway.

I am looking forward to my childless weekend. Danielle and I are going to go out to North Peak on Saturday night. Gonna have some dinner and a few beers, and see where that leads us.

Well, Lily just came in from outside, so that is my cue to go to bed, gotta long day of school and work tomorrow. Besides, I have nothing interesting to share, in case you haven't noticed.

Side note: Only seven more days till the release of Switzerland!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 04, 2006

W. Axl Rose

(Listening To: Appetite for Destruction)

I was reading an article last night in GQ about Axl Rose. It was called "The Final Comeback of Axl Rose" It pretty much talked about his recent preformances in New York, then went back to middle Indiana, where he was born, to try and figure out how he turned out the bizarre man he is today.

I have actually been thinking alot about Mr. Rose lately. I was reminded of him when re- reading the book "Fargo Rock City". The author, Chuck Klosterman, discusses how even though Axl Rose and Kurt Cobain hated eachother, they had a lot of similarities.

"Besides strikingly similar facial features and an overlapping audiance, they both offered an image that specifically appealed to lost kids with inexplicable rage. Axl did this first, and his tools were hostility and confusion. Cobain came a few years later, and he used personal angst and sexual tolerance.(ultimately, Kurt's methods proved to be more effective)

Then there is a footnote that goes along with this, that I find to be greatness!

"Of course, Cobain's victory as an icon does not necessarily mean he made better music; at least technically, "Appetite for Distruction" is a stronger album than "Nevermind". They're weirdly similar, actually: Both open with songs that defined each bands aethetic; both track 2s are about testosterone driven males (Nirvana hates 'em, GNR represents 'em), both track 5s are about drugs (one prescroption, one illegal), and both albums conclude with alienated, spacey finales. The difference is that Appetite...always comes across as a tour de force and a classic rock materpiece, while Nevermind will forever be remembered as a vehicle for "smells like teen spirit" and its subversive affect on mainstream culture. It's periodically brilliant, but half the material on Nevermind is filler. There's no doubt about which of these records is more socially important, but there's also no question about which one gets played in my apartment when I want to hear something badass."

There is one more part of this book that i would like to share because I have always thought what he says in the end was 100% true, and was very excited when I heard it come from another person.

""Bono was able to morph himself into whatever his fans needed him to be: He could be angry, brooding, vulnerable, or romantic--and sometimes all at the same moment. Rose is the same kind of shape-shifter, but for a different, less stable audience. He swings from being openly violent and misogynistic (like on the song "It's So Easy") to acting utterly helpless (such as the brilliant closing two and a half minutes of "Rocket Queen", my vote for the finest 171 seconds of 80's rock).

Ok, so back to my own thoughts on GNR and Axl.

Appetite for Destruction was the first album I felt I HAD to have. I can remember way back in 1987, Amanda was spending the night at my house, Kristen Moran was babysitting us. She had the tape, and played us "Sweet Child of Mine". I fell in love instantly. I knew I HAD to learn the words to this incredibe song by the end of the next day, and more improtantly, I HAD to own it. A few days later, I can remember being at Amanda's seeing the video for the first time, and noticing the strange resembalence Axl had to my Uncle Jeff, lol. One more memory, not to be forgotton, is being at rachel's house; it was me, rachel, amanda cameron, and I believe maybe angie myers. We all dressed up like one of the guys in the band, and posed like a picture from the tape cover. Rachel was Axl, amanda was slash, angie was Izzy, and I was Duff (not sure how I pulled that one off). I would kill to see that picture today.

One interesting fact about Axl that I read last night. "The readers of Teen Magazine, less than one year ago, put Axl as number two (behind "Grandparents") on the list of the 100 Coolest Old People. I find this pretty damn fantistic considering Axl hasn't released ay legitimate music in thirteen years, and has pretty much disappeared since then as well, minus two or three public disasters.

I am not sure why i felt the need to share all of this. I have always been a big fan of Axl, and I hope someday he does come out with his long awaited "Chinese Democracy" album, and kicks everyones ass!!!

I will leave you with one more fact you may or may not have known. If I would not have thought of the name Marshall when I did, my sons name would have been Axl. That was my first choice of boy names, until I remembered Marshall.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Best Friends

My Sis

(Listening to: Electric Six - "I'm the Bomb")
She is your mirror, shining back at you with a world of possibilities. She is your witness, who sees you at your worst and best, and loves you anyway. She is your partner in crime, your midnight companion, someone who knows when you are smiling, even in the dark. She is your teacher, your defense attorney, your personal press agent, even your shrink. Some days, she's the reason you wish you were an only child. ~Barbara Alpert

Friday, September 01, 2006

Hold the potatos AND the korn

Well, the plan ended up being that we were going to go to the Korn concert, not the Potato festival. But, unfortunately, plans have changed, and I won't be going.

The good news is, my mom is still taking Marshall for the weekend. YAY!!!! I am going to go to work for a few hours on friday and saturday, then come home to an empty quiet house!!!! YEEE HAAA!!! This is MUCH needed time away from Marsh. I love him to death, but we have been spending WAY to much time together.

What will I be doing with this all this fabulous time alone? Well, I will prolly rent some rated R movies, do lots of homework, cook only one dinner per night, and just enjoy the fact that no one is sitting next to me running their mouth NONSTOP!

Thank you Mom and Rick!