
ummm, I don't know how to describe myself, other than that I am lazy, I lack consistancy, motivation, and discipline. Oh, and i am an eternal romantic optimist. So don't expect great things from this blog.

Monday, September 25, 2006

(Listening to: Electric Six - "Getting Into the Jam")

Well, needless to say, my internet at home still sucks ass!! Not sure what I am going to do about it. I don't really want to go back to charter, but if this keeps up for much longer, I guess I am going to have to. It's hard to do well in an online class when you have no internet.

Let's see...Marshall is loving the cross country team, which I think is fabulous. He will have his first meet on Tuesday.

We both had a fun weekend, marshall had Allen spend the night on friday, then a new friend steven, spent the night on Sat. I had company both nights as well. Friday was pretty lax, but saturday we got a lil silly.

Danielle and I had these bad ass potatos at NP a few weeks ago, so we decided that we were going to try to recreate them at home. We spent the early evening in the kitchen drinking mamossa's and cooking our tatos and a london broil. Matt came over later, then jason showed up with a couple of his friends for a minute. This one guy, threw a lighter in my grill while Danielle was roasting marshmallows. God I hate stupid people.

Yesterday was spent on the couch, I didn't go to bed till 6 am on saturday so i was less than motivated. I watched the Lions game, which was rough, but better than last weeks. Ate potatoes (we made 3 pounds on saturday, so i will being enjoying a pethora of potato dishes for the next few days).

Well, gotta go to English. I get my algrebra test back today, I am so super nervous.


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