
ummm, I don't know how to describe myself, other than that I am lazy, I lack consistancy, motivation, and discipline. Oh, and i am an eternal romantic optimist. So don't expect great things from this blog.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


It's the ghost of a Jedi Knight!!!

Monday, October 30, 2006

pics from the UP

This is Danielles cabin where we stayed.

This is Danielle(now you have a face to go with the name), and the guy is Scott, he and I pretended to be married that night and kicked everyones ass at pool.

And this is Danielle and I towards the end of the night.....too much fun,

As promised

Member when I talked about my trip to the UP, and about the bear I mounted, well, finally, here is the pic.

It is amazing the things that alcohol makes you think you HAVE to do.

Did I tell you I lost my cat?

Yeah, Lily, she's gone. I let her out one day, and she never came home. She sucks so bad. This was, hmm, right before I went to the UP, so it has been over a month. It was sad, but I got over it pretty quick, Marshall on the other hand is devistated. He is still going outside and calling for her, it is sad.

So anyway, I think when I get back from Ann Arbor I am going to look into getting a new cat. This time I am not going the kitty route though. After paying 400 to have her spayed and declawed, and then she just takes off, I am a little bitter. So, I think I am going to rescue and older cat from the humane society, one that already has that stuff done, and was used to being indoors, cause this cat is NOT going outside, EVER.

I think I could live without another cat, but Marsh got real attached to her, and is missing having a "friend" around.

(The pic is of Bob, he is available for adoption at the humane society here, he is a prospect.)


Its monday, yuck!

They say it is going to be 61 out today, and I am stuck here in algebra and english all day.

The weekend was pretty uneventful, which was a ok with me. My mom came over yesterday. We just hung out, got steak and shrimp and mushrooms and zucchini for dinner, cooked it all up, and never ate it. We are big dummies. We started drinking at about 4 and just never got around to eating. The coolest part was, with the time change, it always seemed way later than it was, so we were in bed by about 10:30, was able to get lots of sleep, and feel pretty good today.

I have to go halloween shopping tonight, marsh still doesn't have a costume. Nothing like waitting till the last minute. We are not trick or treating this year. YES! He has a party for school so we do have to get some sort of costume. We decided that we would start a new halloween tradition, and go get popcorn for the movie theater (it's bring your own bucket night), then we are going to rent a couple scarey movies, and just hang out at home.

The best thing about this week is it's a short one. I only have to work til Thursday, then I am off to Ann Arbor, YAY. Not sure what the plans are other than the usual shopping, eating, and E6. I can't wait for Paneras and Hometown buffet.

Friday, October 27, 2006


(Listening to: Tripping Daisy - "I gotta girl")

Am I the queen of posting tonight or what?

I think I am done now.

whanna know what are BAD ASS?

(Listening to: Toadies - "Possum Kingdom"

Honey crisp apples.

If you have never had one, get one at the store next time, they are bad ass!

This is coming from a girl who doesn't like fruit and who always knows what she's talkin about.

Reading this left me speechless

“Q. Sixty percent of Americans are now against the Iraq War. Why?

A. Because they want us to win.”

— Bill O'Reilly and President Bush
in an exclusive FOX News Channel interview

Greatness....from Stephen King

“If I know anything, I know scary,
and giving this president and this
out-of-control Congress two more
years to screw up our future
is downright terrifying.”
(Listening to: Social Distortion - "Ball and Chain")

This might surprise you

(Listenting to: Foo Fighters - "Everlong" (Acoustic))

You whanna know who i love, and i think is a cute guy.....brace yourself.........Dick Cheney!

Don't get me wrong, the man is a total ASS!! But, I like how he just says what he thinks and doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks. I think he is cute, well prolly cause sometimes I am attracted to guys that are total asses.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

The magic of shoes

I like shoes, ALOT. I have lots of pairs, and plan on purchasing many more.

I was just thinking about how cool shoes are. I think they motivate me. If I keep my shoes on when I get home, I think they give me more energy and make me feel like I should be doing something.

I love shoes!

BTW, Mike if you are reading this, can you get on making my shoe rack please!!??

Want something to ponder for awhile??

Seriously, check it out. Trust me.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Killing time at NMC

I got out of my English class a lil early, so I thought I would blog a lil.

Read something last night that really excites me, the rest of the world prolly could care less, but I am way geeked about it. I love this woman, She has been through a whole lot of shit in her life, and remains soooo strong.

I have nothing really exiting happening right now, this week is pretty much all about homework. We are learning about negative exponents in algebra right now, and on Monday, they literally made me cry. I DON"T GET IT!!!

I have a research paper to do in English, I think I am going to do it on teen suicides that were blamed on music lyrics, i.e. Ozzy's "Suicide Solution" and Judas Priest's "Beyond the Realms of Death"

My mom is coming over here on Sunday, nothing special just hanging out and cooking something deliciously yummy for dinner.

Other than that, nothing happening. I go down to Ann Arbor next weekend, and tend to spend lots of money when I do that so this week and next I will be doing nothing, in hopes of saving up lots to blow down there.

Electric Six has a new album out, so I am hoping that they have a cool new tee shirt for me. I am also hoping that at least one of the opening bands is good, cause I am dying for something new to listen to.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Christmas is coming....

I NEED these dishes!!!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

some favorite Buckcherry nuggets

"Life ain't nothin but Bitches and money"

Thank god it's quittin time, fuck me hard or kill the lights"

"best fuck you ever had, good job from a workin man"

"sing me a song, cause i don't want to hear my life go by"

I fell out of love and i am tired of changing, I hoped you could help pass the time away"

and finally........

"Are you strong enough
Do you feel my touch
You are the comfort in my eyes
Moving through the lust
Feeling dangerous
I wanna open the door to your life

The steps we take on the way to free our minds
And lives have changed by the way we free our minds
And being with you was the moment
I opened my eyes

When you sleep at night
Are your dreams delight
Do all your fantasies fill your head
I want to dance with you
With the midnight moon
Want emotion and do it again

ChorusBreathing in, breathing out your love
Breathing in, breathing out my love
Breathing in, breathing out your love

Come in closer now
To this love we found
Are you able to take this flight
It's come down to this
The first time we kissed
Like the ocean we sway you and I


A week ago tonight

(Listening to: Electric Six - "I Buy the Drugs", who, btw, will be in Detroit, as will I, in 13 days)

I am so incredibly bored tonight.

Last week at this time, I was at the benefit concert for Scott (the drummer in Matts band, I think I mentioned it before). I had a good time. Danielle came over a few hours early, we watched the Lions win their first game of the season, and well felt we had to drink to that, so we got started a lil earlier than anticipated.

the concert was good, I liked about 3 of the 6 bands that played. Three Thumbs Up(Matts band) opened and closed the show. I even got up and danced, which is a rare occurance for me. I bid on a photgraph of some river in the silent auction, I did win it, and it will go great in my house once I get it framed. All in all it was a good night, John (Rhythm guitar) and Matt came over afterwords and we stayed up till the wee hours of the morning talking bout all kinds of cool stuff. The crowd at the bar wasn't all that big though, I hope they made lots of money for scotty despite that.

Excuses, excuses

(Listening to: Coheed and Cambria - "From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness")

I have been a very neglectful blogger. I have a million and one excuses for it, but really it all comes down to laziness.

The day my internet finally became fuctional again, my laptop died. So, now when I am sitting on the couch, and a brilliant idea worth blogging comes to mind, I actually have to physically get up and walk aboutmaybe 10 feet to my desktop, whereas before, all I had to do was lean forward a little and grab the laptop.

I am sure you will all totally understand, as I can't think of anyone who reads this blog that is super ambitious either. No offense.

This is a lil embarassing

(Listening to: Carrie Underwood - "before He Cheats")

I like a modern country song, aaarrrrggghhhh. And no it is not KU.

Right now he's probably slow dancing with a bleached-blond tramp, and she's probably getting frisky...
right now, he's probably buying her some fruity little drink cause she can't shoot whiskey...
Right now, he's probably up behind her with a pool-stick, showing her how to shoot a combo...

And he don't know...
That I dug my key into the side of his pretty little suped up 4 wheel drive,
carved my name into his leather seats...
I took a Louisville slugger to both head lights,
slashed a hole in all 4 tires...
And maybe next time he'll think before he cheats.

Right now, she's probably up
singing some white-trash version of Shania karoke..
Right now, she's probably saying "I'm drunk" and he's a thinking that he's gonna lucky,
Right now, he's probably dabbing 3 dollars worth of that bathroom polo...

And he don't know...
That I dug my key into the side of his pretty little suped up 4 wheel drive,
carved my name into his leather seats,
I took a Louisville slugger to both head lights,
slashed a hole in all 4 tires...
And maybe next time he'll think before he cheats.

I might saved a little trouble for the next girl,
Cause the next time that he cheats...
Oh, you know it won't be on me!

Ohh... not on me...

Cause I dug my key into the side of his pretty little suped up 4 wheel drive,
carved my name into his leather seats...
I took a Louisville slugger to both head lights,
slashed a hole in all 4 tires...
Maybe next time he'll think before he cheats
. Ohh.. Maybe next time he'll think before he cheats...
Ohh... before he cheats...

Thursday, October 12, 2006

It's too fucking early!!!!

I woke up this morning to a 1 inch blanket of snow outside. It was absolutely beautiful. But, it is way too early for thatway too early. It makes me want to cry. Its too cold.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Busy busy busy

got a lot of things going on this week. I have an algebra test monday, so Jason is coming over tomorrow night to get me through my review. I promised him dinner for his services, but, i am not sure what to make. They say it might snow tomorrow, so maybe soup will be good. And little preperation so we can stay on task with the algebra. But, at nine we will take a short break for Grey's Anatomy. Not only is Jason my math buddy, he is also my greys anatomy buddy.

We go back to guitar lessons tomorrow. We took the month of Sept. off so we could get back into our school routine. I told Marshall that if he didn't want to take lessons anymore, I would take them instead. He said he wanted to go back, and that makes me VERY happy. Matt said he would give me lessons on the side, but that makes me feel bad, so I am not sure.

This weekend will be rather laid back, as I have and english paper due monday as well, so I have lots of work to do. However, sunday when I am all done, it'll be time to go out and let loose. The drummer ofone of Matts bands, Three Thumbs Up, was in a serious accident about a month ago. He rolled his Jeep, and was in ICU for a long time. He is better now, but is still in the hospital and has a long recovery ahead of him.

ANYWAY, they are having like a benefit concert for him on Sunday night. There are I think 5 bands playing. One, I have been wanting to see for a long time, commonfaced. It's like a 10 dollar cover, and a silent auction, with all the money going to Scott and his family.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The Departed

(Listening to: Bruce Springstein - "Brilliant Disguise"

Just got back from the movies with Danielle. We saw The Departed. It was most excellent. Jack Nicholson was awesome. It was a total all star cast filled with lotsa hot guys. Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, and Mark Whalberg.


Have you seen the commercial where dick de devos slowly turns into george bush then back again?

Friday, October 06, 2006

3 Cheers for Mimosas

(Listening to: Coheed and Cambria - "Wake up clean")

God I love em!!!

I started my evening with the intent to make this yummy "muffin top apple oatmeal" cookies. Marshall went to the neighbors to watch cartoons, I cracked open the bottle of champaign, poured the oj, and got baking. Now the cookies are almost done, marshall is still at the neighbors, I am three mimosas into the evening waitting for matt to get here, so atleast I am not feeling like a drunk, drinking alone.

Tomorrow is the big MI vs MI state game. I have convinced my boss to let us wear jeans and a MI or state shirt. So, Danielle and I have made this huge deal out of it, we are having a pot luck at work, only no one knows it yet, cause Danielle and i are the only ones bringing food. Apparently, Danielle is going to paint here hair green, wear green and white eyeshadow, and do a lil painting on her face as well. Funny thing is, is she hates football, and is only going all out cause I am a MI fan. She's such a whore. But I love her.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

My new favorite song

(Listening to: Drivin N Cryin - "Fly Me Courageous")

For you who do not know, I have a new favorite song as often as I am in love with someone new.

Now, having said that...My new favorite song, is actually not new at all, it is just one that I totally forgot existed. I love it when I find an old song I have forgotton.

ANYWAY, "Fly Me courageous" by drivin N cryin. If you haven't ever heard it, or just have not heard it in FOREVER, I highly recommend you take a moment and check it out, it'll be well worth it.

How did I ever remember such a bitchin old song? Well, my new best friend Jason, or as Marshall calls him, "My math boyfriend" plays it on guitar and has it as his ring tone on his phone.

I'm Back

YESSSSSSSS!! My internet connection is finally home. I am very happy, I have been feeling so very out of touch.

I am not sure what you should expect here, maybe an overflow of postings trying to catch up with all my swell thoughts over the last three weeks, or maybe I will just continue on as if nothing happened. Nothing really happened anyway, well, actually alot has been going on, but nothing I am willing to share.

I will definately post on my trip to the U.P. with Danielle though. I mounted a, ummm, prolly 7 foot bear, and I got pictures.