
ummm, I don't know how to describe myself, other than that I am lazy, I lack consistancy, motivation, and discipline. Oh, and i am an eternal romantic optimist. So don't expect great things from this blog.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Did I tell you I lost my cat?

Yeah, Lily, she's gone. I let her out one day, and she never came home. She sucks so bad. This was, hmm, right before I went to the UP, so it has been over a month. It was sad, but I got over it pretty quick, Marshall on the other hand is devistated. He is still going outside and calling for her, it is sad.

So anyway, I think when I get back from Ann Arbor I am going to look into getting a new cat. This time I am not going the kitty route though. After paying 400 to have her spayed and declawed, and then she just takes off, I am a little bitter. So, I think I am going to rescue and older cat from the humane society, one that already has that stuff done, and was used to being indoors, cause this cat is NOT going outside, EVER.

I think I could live without another cat, but Marsh got real attached to her, and is missing having a "friend" around.

(The pic is of Bob, he is available for adoption at the humane society here, he is a prospect.)


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