
ummm, I don't know how to describe myself, other than that I am lazy, I lack consistancy, motivation, and discipline. Oh, and i am an eternal romantic optimist. So don't expect great things from this blog.

Monday, October 30, 2006


Its monday, yuck!

They say it is going to be 61 out today, and I am stuck here in algebra and english all day.

The weekend was pretty uneventful, which was a ok with me. My mom came over yesterday. We just hung out, got steak and shrimp and mushrooms and zucchini for dinner, cooked it all up, and never ate it. We are big dummies. We started drinking at about 4 and just never got around to eating. The coolest part was, with the time change, it always seemed way later than it was, so we were in bed by about 10:30, was able to get lots of sleep, and feel pretty good today.

I have to go halloween shopping tonight, marsh still doesn't have a costume. Nothing like waitting till the last minute. We are not trick or treating this year. YES! He has a party for school so we do have to get some sort of costume. We decided that we would start a new halloween tradition, and go get popcorn for the movie theater (it's bring your own bucket night), then we are going to rent a couple scarey movies, and just hang out at home.

The best thing about this week is it's a short one. I only have to work til Thursday, then I am off to Ann Arbor, YAY. Not sure what the plans are other than the usual shopping, eating, and E6. I can't wait for Paneras and Hometown buffet.


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