
ummm, I don't know how to describe myself, other than that I am lazy, I lack consistancy, motivation, and discipline. Oh, and i am an eternal romantic optimist. So don't expect great things from this blog.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Busy busy busy

got a lot of things going on this week. I have an algebra test monday, so Jason is coming over tomorrow night to get me through my review. I promised him dinner for his services, but, i am not sure what to make. They say it might snow tomorrow, so maybe soup will be good. And little preperation so we can stay on task with the algebra. But, at nine we will take a short break for Grey's Anatomy. Not only is Jason my math buddy, he is also my greys anatomy buddy.

We go back to guitar lessons tomorrow. We took the month of Sept. off so we could get back into our school routine. I told Marshall that if he didn't want to take lessons anymore, I would take them instead. He said he wanted to go back, and that makes me VERY happy. Matt said he would give me lessons on the side, but that makes me feel bad, so I am not sure.

This weekend will be rather laid back, as I have and english paper due monday as well, so I have lots of work to do. However, sunday when I am all done, it'll be time to go out and let loose. The drummer ofone of Matts bands, Three Thumbs Up, was in a serious accident about a month ago. He rolled his Jeep, and was in ICU for a long time. He is better now, but is still in the hospital and has a long recovery ahead of him.

ANYWAY, they are having like a benefit concert for him on Sunday night. There are I think 5 bands playing. One, I have been wanting to see for a long time, commonfaced. It's like a 10 dollar cover, and a silent auction, with all the money going to Scott and his family.


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