
ummm, I don't know how to describe myself, other than that I am lazy, I lack consistancy, motivation, and discipline. Oh, and i am an eternal romantic optimist. So don't expect great things from this blog.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006



Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Cell phones

(Listening to: disturbed - "Land of Confusion")

How come there are such good deals on cell phones?I just a a commercial and if you buy one, you get two free. How come that never happens with the everyday stuff you buy, like toilet paper, or or cat food?

You know what i want to see.....

something new to read

(Listening to: Hinder - "Better Than Me")

I don't really have much to say. The weekend went well, had the x-mas at the nieghbors, was most excellent. Had the supercuts xmas party sunday, was pretty lame, but i got free crab legs out of it so it wasn't all bad.

This week, is pretty much all preparation for xmas, I have some last minute shopping to do. Danielle and I are going down to Streeters on Wed night, we are gonna exchange gifts. Apparently Three Thunbs Up is doing some new songs, so I am excited to check them out.

Dustin, when are you coming home? I will be home Friday, and I think we are all gonna go to the bar, gonna call Suz and see if she wants to go. So if you are gonna be around, you should plan on joining us.

But, I am off to bed, Nigel was over here all night raping my puter of music. There was some major domestic disturbances going on this evening so we were doing the whole neighborly gossip thing. This chic that lives by me said this to her kids who are 7 and 9 "I will rip here mother fucking heart out and shove it down her thoat right in front of your dad" Talking about some chic their dad was talking to i guess. Sounds like a happy family.

Thursday, December 14, 2006


(Listening to: Rage Against the Machine - "Killing in the Name Of")

Today was actually kind of a neat day. Work was lame, but it was kind of neat too. We were pretty slow, but the girls that I worked with, were the ones I have been working with for almost four years now. Lots of girls have come and gone from that place in the last four years, but 5 of us have been there FOREVER! And it is not often that we are all scheduled at the same time.

Supercuts as a company is certainly not the best company to work for. But, the chics that I work with are AWESOME, all in their own lil way.

Michele - she is the boss, so which makes it mandatory for her to be a pain in the asss bitch, but she is one of the greatest pain in the ass bitches ever! As far as bosses go, she is a good one.

Hannah - She is I love her, she is so nice and funny. She is I guess what I would define as a "good girl". and it makes me sick, cause she has the perfect life. She is 22 i think, married, two kids, home owner, and just a happy girl. (Disgusting, but I am just jealous).

Suzanne - She is way nice, and kind of shy, not as open as the rest of us

Holly - Holly is a big dork, really funny, and outdoorsie.

Danielle - she has not been there long, less than a year, but has become one of my favorite people. she rocks my world, hardcore!

then there is bea, diane, and claudia - they are too new for me to have an opinion on. Well, honestly, i have already formed my opinions of them, but it is to early for me to be able to know if i am right or not.

Lastly, me, - but you already know how cool, awesome, funny, and nice i am.

ANYWAY, after my semi-cool day at work, i picked marsh up from school and we went to the mall and got Joy and Nigel's (my neighbors) xmas present. We are having our xmas with them on Saturday. Presents, momossas, cribbage, and appetizers....sounds like a good night to me!!! After shopping Marsh and I had dinner at Johnathon B. Pub, marsh likes their waffle fries. It was nice and relaxing, and we bonded and stuff. It was much needed after our conversation yesterday of sex, condoms, AIDS, and babies. But that is a whole other post for a whole other blog

marshall got some magnetix

It's Spongebob!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I did it!!!!!!

I passed algebra!!!!!!!!!!!! I got a 77% on my final, which left me with a 2.5 in the class. God I am frickin awesome

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Sometimes mean things are funny

Funny Joke

Q: Why is a brides wedding dress white?

A: So the dishwasher will match the rest of the appliances.

January 27, 2007

E L E C T R I C S I X!!!!!!!!!!!!

14 Hours and counting...

(Listening to: Loretta Lynn - "Woman's Prison")

I finished my final algebra homework EVER tonight. (I hope) So, since I am caryying a 77% in the class, I figured out, using my newly developed mathmatical mind, that I only have to get a 51% on my final to get the to 2.0 I have been dreaming of. And since i have never gotton that low of a score on a test, I think I am in good shape. Whhheeewwww!!!

So tomorrow I will bid farewell to algebra and all stress that came with it.

BTW, I decided on the Chuck Klosterman book and bought it today.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Reading for Pleasure

Listening to: Hinder - "Bliss (I Don't Whanna Know)"

I gotta get a book to read during my time off, I am totally torn between "Dirty Blonde: The Diaries of Courtney Love" or "Chuck Klosterman IV: A Decade of Curious People and Dangerous Ideas." Though they are both right up my alley, so could get them both done before school starts back up.

The weekend

(Listening to: Hinder - "Lips of an Angel")

Well, lets see, friday..... friday danielle was my bitch. She didn't work, so i had her stay home and cook me dinner while i worked. That was cool.

Then later, after Jim got here, her and I went to hoobastank. That was pretty cool. We got a couple autographed posters. As a far as bands go, hoobastank was kind of boring, but they did a lil of Black Sabbaths "War Pigs", so that was kind of cool.

We stayed a couple superman (a yummy delicious shot), and chatted with friends, but left rather early, I think like 1. When we got home, nigels (my neighbor), bedroom light was on, so danielle and I went and "meowed" and scratched outside his window. So, he got up and he, jim, danielle, and I sat up and talked till 5.

Saturday I was way tired and lazy, but managed to get up and go out to dinner with Marshall and Jim. We went to North peak, to the mall to shop a lil, then went and saw Stranger Than Fiction. Not a bad movie I guess, but a lil slow. My favorite quote from the movie was from the aurthor lady writing the book, she said...."I don't need a nicotine patch, I smoke cigarettes", lol

Today was just as lazy, I can tell I am getting old, it takes me a whole lot longer to recover from a late night than it used to. Jim went home, I had fun with him, I am glad we can still be friends, that doesn't happen a lot, especially when the relationship was as shitty as ours was.

Tomorrow is my second to last day of Algebra, WOOO HOOO!!!! I got an 86% on my last test, which gave me a 77% in the class. So, if I don't totally bomb the final exam, I will make my 2.0 and pass. God, wouldn't that be frickin fantasic!!!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Just a suggestion

I have posted alot tonight, so maybe you should just read one post per day for the next couple days, you know, just in case I don't get right back at it.

Random thought

I was just sitting here listening to The Guess Who - "No Sugar", and I realized, I HAVE EXCELLENT TASTE IN MUSIC!!!!

My boy

(listening to: Wolfmother - "Woman")

Matt took this pic the other night, it makes me smile.

Prince Pleasely

This is our new kitty, pleasely. It is not a very good pic, but you get the jist. He is soo awesome. Way better than Lily ever was. Super cuddley!!!
(Listening to: Alice in Chains - "Don't follow")

Decking the halls

(listening to: Tool - "THe Pot")

Here is my half assed xmas tree. I decided not to go with a real xmas tree this year. I figured since I am not home at xmas, and pleasely would prolly fuck with it, that I should go a different route. So, I bought this umm, Norfolk pine. It's just a regular house plant that looks like a pine tree sort of. I think it is cute, and it does the job, though I am affraid that eventually I might feel like I jipped myself .


Hinder - Extreme Behavior

Definately in the top 10 new releases of 2006 (not in any particular order)

1. Electric Six - Senior Smoke
2. Buckcherry - 15
3. Wolfmother - Wothmother
4. Hinder - Extreme Behavior
5. Rock Kills Kid - Are You nervous?
6. Raconteurs - Broken Boy Soldiers
7. Tool - 10,000 Days
8. The Fever - In the City of Sleep
9. Johnny Cash - American V - A Hundred Highways
10. Electric Six - Switzerland

Whanna know who I am in love with today...


After watching The Secretary, I can not get enough of this man!!!!@

back by popular demand

(Listening to: Hoobastank - "Inside of you")

Well, I am going to make an effort to be back anyway. The good news is, is that Jim is supposed to come up here this weekend to do his x-mas thing with marshall. Sooo, hopefully he will be able to fix my lap top, which will make it even more likely that I blog on a semi-regular basis. You know, since I won't have to get up off the couch to do it.

Let's see, a lil brief history of what I have been up to. Hmm, nothing exciting. Thanxgiving was good. Fortunately and Unfortunately, I got HAMMERED the night before, and umm well never really fully recovered till Saturday. I had tons of fun with my sis, danielle, and matt, so it was well worth it, just made for an incredibly lazy holiday weekend.

School is only one week from being over for the semester, YES!!! I think I have a pretty good handle on the algebra. I have my last test tomorrow, and I am feeling pretty good about it, but would still appreciate all the happy algebra thoughts you can think for me.

Marshall is doing well, getting all geeked up for x-mas. Wants a playstation 2 in a bad way. We have an x-box already, but alot of the kid games don't come out on the x-box platform. I went today and found him the other thing he really wanted. One of those hats that you put the two cans of beer in and drink out the hoses. Got it at Spencers, he's gonna be excited, I am gonna have to buy him a 12 pack (of sprite) to go with it.

This weekend Hoobastank is coming to town. I bought Danielle and I tickets for it for her birthday, should be good fun. Hoobastank is not a fav of mine, but for 20 bucks, it's good entertainment.

Well, it is almost time for Boston Legal, so i am out, but will prolly blog more when it is over, got lots to say.