
ummm, I don't know how to describe myself, other than that I am lazy, I lack consistancy, motivation, and discipline. Oh, and i am an eternal romantic optimist. So don't expect great things from this blog.

Thursday, December 14, 2006


(Listening to: Rage Against the Machine - "Killing in the Name Of")

Today was actually kind of a neat day. Work was lame, but it was kind of neat too. We were pretty slow, but the girls that I worked with, were the ones I have been working with for almost four years now. Lots of girls have come and gone from that place in the last four years, but 5 of us have been there FOREVER! And it is not often that we are all scheduled at the same time.

Supercuts as a company is certainly not the best company to work for. But, the chics that I work with are AWESOME, all in their own lil way.

Michele - she is the boss, so which makes it mandatory for her to be a pain in the asss bitch, but she is one of the greatest pain in the ass bitches ever! As far as bosses go, she is a good one.

Hannah - She is I love her, she is so nice and funny. She is I guess what I would define as a "good girl". and it makes me sick, cause she has the perfect life. She is 22 i think, married, two kids, home owner, and just a happy girl. (Disgusting, but I am just jealous).

Suzanne - She is way nice, and kind of shy, not as open as the rest of us

Holly - Holly is a big dork, really funny, and outdoorsie.

Danielle - she has not been there long, less than a year, but has become one of my favorite people. she rocks my world, hardcore!

then there is bea, diane, and claudia - they are too new for me to have an opinion on. Well, honestly, i have already formed my opinions of them, but it is to early for me to be able to know if i am right or not.

Lastly, me, - but you already know how cool, awesome, funny, and nice i am.

ANYWAY, after my semi-cool day at work, i picked marsh up from school and we went to the mall and got Joy and Nigel's (my neighbors) xmas present. We are having our xmas with them on Saturday. Presents, momossas, cribbage, and appetizers....sounds like a good night to me!!! After shopping Marsh and I had dinner at Johnathon B. Pub, marsh likes their waffle fries. It was nice and relaxing, and we bonded and stuff. It was much needed after our conversation yesterday of sex, condoms, AIDS, and babies. But that is a whole other post for a whole other blog


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