
ummm, I don't know how to describe myself, other than that I am lazy, I lack consistancy, motivation, and discipline. Oh, and i am an eternal romantic optimist. So don't expect great things from this blog.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

The weekend

(Listening to: Hinder - "Lips of an Angel")

Well, lets see, friday..... friday danielle was my bitch. She didn't work, so i had her stay home and cook me dinner while i worked. That was cool.

Then later, after Jim got here, her and I went to hoobastank. That was pretty cool. We got a couple autographed posters. As a far as bands go, hoobastank was kind of boring, but they did a lil of Black Sabbaths "War Pigs", so that was kind of cool.

We stayed a couple superman (a yummy delicious shot), and chatted with friends, but left rather early, I think like 1. When we got home, nigels (my neighbor), bedroom light was on, so danielle and I went and "meowed" and scratched outside his window. So, he got up and he, jim, danielle, and I sat up and talked till 5.

Saturday I was way tired and lazy, but managed to get up and go out to dinner with Marshall and Jim. We went to North peak, to the mall to shop a lil, then went and saw Stranger Than Fiction. Not a bad movie I guess, but a lil slow. My favorite quote from the movie was from the aurthor lady writing the book, she said...."I don't need a nicotine patch, I smoke cigarettes", lol

Today was just as lazy, I can tell I am getting old, it takes me a whole lot longer to recover from a late night than it used to. Jim went home, I had fun with him, I am glad we can still be friends, that doesn't happen a lot, especially when the relationship was as shitty as ours was.

Tomorrow is my second to last day of Algebra, WOOO HOOO!!!! I got an 86% on my last test, which gave me a 77% in the class. So, if I don't totally bomb the final exam, I will make my 2.0 and pass. God, wouldn't that be frickin fantasic!!!


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