
ummm, I don't know how to describe myself, other than that I am lazy, I lack consistancy, motivation, and discipline. Oh, and i am an eternal romantic optimist. So don't expect great things from this blog.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

something new to read

(Listening to: Hinder - "Better Than Me")

I don't really have much to say. The weekend went well, had the x-mas at the nieghbors, was most excellent. Had the supercuts xmas party sunday, was pretty lame, but i got free crab legs out of it so it wasn't all bad.

This week, is pretty much all preparation for xmas, I have some last minute shopping to do. Danielle and I are going down to Streeters on Wed night, we are gonna exchange gifts. Apparently Three Thunbs Up is doing some new songs, so I am excited to check them out.

Dustin, when are you coming home? I will be home Friday, and I think we are all gonna go to the bar, gonna call Suz and see if she wants to go. So if you are gonna be around, you should plan on joining us.

But, I am off to bed, Nigel was over here all night raping my puter of music. There was some major domestic disturbances going on this evening so we were doing the whole neighborly gossip thing. This chic that lives by me said this to her kids who are 7 and 9 "I will rip here mother fucking heart out and shove it down her thoat right in front of your dad" Talking about some chic their dad was talking to i guess. Sounds like a happy family.


  • At 9:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I will be home on Friday night. Not sure exactly, because Kristen has to work and might be able to get out early, but will not be able to say exactly untill that day. Im in for tipping a few back, just let me know where you are going to be...Dustin


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