
ummm, I don't know how to describe myself, other than that I am lazy, I lack consistancy, motivation, and discipline. Oh, and i am an eternal romantic optimist. So don't expect great things from this blog.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

You know what I want

I would like to have someone send me a singing telegram some day, how cool would that be?

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

A List

I few things that I was totally in love with in my life and just disappeared off the face of the earth....

1. Little Debbie Spice Cakes
2. Sporty but elegant socks (the kind that you fold over and has the lace on the ankle)
3. Red Fusion Dr. Pepper
4. Guns N' Roses (The orignal members)
5. Oatmeal Swillers
6. There are more I will remember later
7. Veryfine Papaya Juice
8. Lenders Seseme bagels
9. mcDonalds Arch Deluxe
10. Invasion (tv show)
11. apple Crush

Sunday, January 21, 2007


Well, it has been awhile. Nothing excitign you have been missing though.

School has started again. I have Business Law, Family Law, Tort Law, and Law Office Management. I am having a hard time getting into the routine of it all this semester. Prolly cause my classes are at night, which I don't like at all.

I got a remote car started for xmas, that's rocking my world!

Going to see Electric Six this weekend, YAY. I am way excited, but a lil nervous after what has happen the last two times I was in Ann Arbor (kidney Stones). But, I will be prepared for the worst this time, and will NOT end up in the ER. Danielle is coming with me this time. She is not a big E6 fan, but what the hell does she know. I am sure she will change her tune after Saturday night.

Still been going down to Streeters to see Three Thumbs Up. If you are ever in TC on a Wed night, go check them out. I love them, and you all know I have excellent taste in music. They lost their singer this past week, which makes me sad, not only was he a great front man, he is a cool guy. Fortunately they have a replacement who seems to be just as cool both as a singer and a guy. I am not a big fan of change though, especially in things that i love so it will take me a lil while to get used to it.

Marshall is doing well. Today we went and saw this really cool insect exhibit at the musuem, then we went to the Sail inn for burgers. He actually ordered a burger rather than chicken muggets. Life is good!!!

Whanna know who i am in love with today

Peyton Manning

I just watched him KICK ASS in the AFC championship game. GO COLTS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not only can he throw a dann fine pass, he is cute, funny, and appears to be a geniunely nice guy. Men just don't get any better than that!!!

I love this pic

Listening To: Incubus - "Anna Molly"

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The End

(Left: Me and Jon, Below: Me and Dave)

(Left: Me and Matt, Below: The girls)

(Left: 3 badass guitar players, Below me and josh)

Well, my blogging days are over, i just am not into it anymore. I might throw something on here every once in awhile. I will leave you with pics from new years eve. TOO MUCH FUN!! Kaylan, Josh, Jason, Dawn, Danielle, and I went to Streeters to see Three Thumbs Up. It was a F'ing Blast!! Ended the last year with and hope to have a new year full of good friends, good beer, and good music!!!

Happy new year everyone!!!